2015-04-23 Team meeting notes

2015-04-23 Team meeting notes



A meeting with the Comms team on Victoria audiences overran and Anne and Paul were unable to make the meeting.  They have been invited to add their notes to share with the team below as required.

Discussion items

Round table
  • Chrissi ran through the noted blockers and issues (1-4), and the discussion items (1-2)
Blockers or issues
  1. Project plan (Chrissi)
  2. Comms plan - presentation, faculty managers meeting, CSI reference group (Chrissi and David)
  3. Tash feedback on content work and plan (Tash feedback expected Monday). Suggested Anne picks up work allocated to Sam in interim.
  4. Ethics approval - need to look at constraints. Brief discussion on Optimal Sort software. Chrissi to review.
Any discussion items
  1. CSI reference group agenda - subjects plan, COO(?).
  2. UI developer role update - an offer has been made. Updates to follow.
Upcoming work
  • David setting up the CSI reference group today
  • Chrissi will be documenting the proposed delivery approach (current whiteboard version) on Confluence and sharing with team to review and add more questions that need to be addressed in Phase 1 - Discovery

Action items
