2015-11-19 Team meeting notes

2015-11-19 Team meeting notes



Discussion items

ItemWhoTo discussNotes
Review of recent scope, design and content decisions made by Paul and JoTeam

Review feature release proposal

Discuss '3rd party' dependencies and potential risks

Review content for Topic pages

Define content development approach and boundaries

Re-evaluate release plan's timing estimation (both development + content)


  • implemented in GSA
  • Squiz queries GSA
  • strengthen the results information
  • would be a different look than the current functionality.
  • time involved - max one sprint for both devs

Content switcher

  • will reuse existing webstruxures api
  • need to redesign how it looks
  • time involved - 1/2 sprint x2

Topic page


  • content stored in Squiz
  • stories - could be structured by topics but could also tag it so it can be used in multiple ways. An API would be used to draw in the content to the correct place.
  • could consider how pubs could use this but this could be scope creep so shouldn't have too much time invested in it
  • Paul feels there is too many stories, Anne says Architecture is story rich because there are many subjects under this. So many stories have been included as there aren't images and video to enrich the content - the original agreement was for a media item per section and the only media available is quotes.
  • Slideshow of images
    • Joe feels having a gallery of images is too distracting but for Anne this should be a slideshow.
    • currently captions are too long for the design.
  • Where would the longer slideshow content be stored?
    • people and stories page
    • external page or Faculty and School.page
    • is the MVP or something we need to work through with F&Ss to maintain a bank of student and project stories with images and ideally video.
  • Potential we could rapid prototype of just the about page.
    • this could give us a better knowledge of what % of content overun there is (or isn't)
    • how many new patterns we might need to solve the content requirements
    • quickest to do this in the wireframe
  • Time involved: 4 hours in wireframe or 12 hours
  • Andrew could also start to structure content for Tash and Tania to assess. Time involved: 1 day.

Student Services

  • SRAO content needs to be improved and this would need to be done by BAU, it would be good to have a list of the staff with photos so people can fine
  • Same for student advisers

Related Areas

  • need to be able to specify order, alphabetical could highlight something more obscure
  • there are too many related areas in some instances - Paul needs to work through how to reduce this list - ideally as a target it should be below 5, guidance not a rule, if the numbers are too high the value of the content is impacted negatively
  • this could be done on the degree page instead of the topic page

People page

  • Time involved: one sprint

Study Options

  • We need to link to PG programmes
  • More investigation needed about what the cheapest best interim solution is e.g. just point to existing content, create an interim page that then directs to more than one place
  • Explore PG options needs somewhere to point.
  • Example of courses - nominate 1-6 courses, these could be changed around annually.
  • Time involved (including careers) 1 sprint


  • When you go through to a degree depending on where you came from




Sprint planningJane

Sprint planning

BlockersAllteam to raise any blockers 
Social MediaJanePossible enhanced to Topic/Degree pages - to discuss briefly and then possibly log as future enhancement. 
Critical PathJaneWe need to look in more detail at the timing of the project to ensure we can complete the MVP (but hopefully more)