2016-04-06 Team meeting notes

2016-04-06 Team meeting notes





Discussion items

ItemWhoTo discussNotes
Content progress








34 Topics Underway

5 being drafted

10 With SME

12 Back from SME / Ready for loading

7 Loaded




Corrections to discussPaul

Items from corrections tables that need discussing

Tooltip against 'available major' - decision will tooltip it

  • do we need it or can you understand it without it (jane) - problem with not having it is there may be no other chance to explain major (paul)
  • for this it won't interrupt the design having a dotted underline as this isn't really a heading so doesn't need question mark - Tania


  • Row9 - create new paragraph, give it a heading and then the button will be aligned. Improve button wording.
  • Row37 - change the design of how this looks as it looks like a button
Apply to enrolPaul

Apply to enrol button. Location/style as well as wording

Change location

Have different states depending on whether they can 'apply now'

Not related but make Register in the footer more prominent that 'book a session'

Return to study areasPaul

Return to areas of study element: Location/style of MVP solution, and longer term solution (WIP-1085)


Accessibility: Issues we are likely to work on, following meeting with Brett.

  • Most complaints are not with our public website(s) but with portals, transaction sites and 'out-of-the-box' software packages.
  • Importance of good coding/htrml use and good writing can't be over stated.
  • Closed captions for video: Something better than YouTube's automatic solution
  • Title text being fuller and on more elements
  • Alt text: Do our best to describe what we can see. Augments caption, which in turn augments heading/title
  • Try using a screen reader on sample pages (borrow his or download 30-day demo version of JAWS)
Decision logJane

Review of Decision log

Deployment processJane



  • Engineering won't be part of the first release
  • We need an extra level of checking to ensure statements are true
  • We many need to ensure content is more finished and give Faculty/School staff a more thorough checklist

We will delay deployment until 20th April

Conjoint Degrees and Double MajorsPaulSRAO and Shona de Sain have pointed out weaknesses in our approach and content

Create a new Flexible degree page based on content from existing home conjoint and degree planning page. Could print in outside majors and minors.

Paul to prepare a brief for Tania

Citing and Fun FactsGabeFeedback on where this has got to. 

Team to raise any blockers not already covered