2016-10-25 WIP2 Decisions meeting notes

2016-10-25 WIP2 Decisions meeting notes



Discussion items

ItemWhoTo discussNotes
English ProficiencyJane

They have a unique apply process and application form - how can we handle this?


EPP application form

I can’t find a button that takes me directly from the English Proficiency Programme webpage to the application form, and I have had an outside query asking me how to apply.

Could you add a button so that it links directly to the page below?


 Apply buttonNick/writers

We've got the new standard PG qual Apply text

See for e.g. http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-international-trade/apply-contact

Since apply is the key action we thought it should be a blue button. Should it and if so, who needs to do what?

  • it would be good long term to develop a system managing the dates and when students are able to apply.
Summary card insensitive to inter-subject differencesPaul

An example is "How can we accurately communicate that Information Systems in a BCom(Hons) has two intakes per year, whereas the other subjects have only one?"

Adding new content to 'clarify/correct' the situation can be done 'cheaply' but contradicts existing information and might just confuse.

Making the cards 'subject-sensitive' is expensive but provides the user with only the correct information for each subject in a qualification.

  • Andrew Bredenkamp to look into how difficult it will be to customise information on the 'at a glance card'
  • on the card you will need to show what subject the information relates to otherwise people may think it relates to all subjects.  
External Google seems to override our HTML titleNick

e.g. In this search for text only on the MFA(CP) page when you select film

the title is "Film - Victoria University of Wellington"

(If you click repeat the search with the omitted results included you see a range of titles, one for each parameter (Film, Design, Music, Theatre) and one for the URL/heading (Requirements)

But the code of: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-fine-arts-creative-practice/requirements?subject=film


<title ng-bind="MetaService.title">Master of Fine Arts (Creative Practice) | Victoria University</title>

PhD blocksGabeThe content approach has been decided. What's the best and most durable format for this?

Talk about anything new on the enhancements list

Enhancement requests for study areas and UG degree pages

Paul has been parking ideas (his and from other people) in two epics, one for improving AoS pages and the other for ug degrees.


Team to raise any blockers not already covered