2016-02-24 Team meeting notes

2016-02-24 Team meeting notes



Discussion items

ItemWhoTo discussNotes
Know Your Mind CampaignNathanWhat will happen on Future Students for KYM while we are still creating Topics and Programmes. How many new topics need to be live before we change over to using them.

Decision: Have all of the main degrees and thir subjects live before we promote Areas of Study higher.

Timing: New content is likely to be ready enough by late April. KYM needs to be ready at end end of April for Information Evenings in May.

Any faculty will want their new pages used if they are available. I probably fail to see the downside of the answering being 'one topic' as a minimum.

We have to do work on the AoS in order to 'lift it up' Future Students, or even place it on home page. This work is probably more important than how many topics are live.Ideally, this work would be done soon anyway, as the AoS is currently buried.

  • Nathan Irwin to estimate the work to reposition the AoS navigation higher up on the site.


Talk about where we are at in terms of Development

Nathan: Application built and working for About page. Not all the design is complete yet but the content is being pulled through. Programmes next week.

Josef: Templates prepared - based working, grid is working, tweaking to make pixel perfect but not a priority. Currently designing the programme page and subjects on a topic page.

Andrew: Has API mostly working but there are some minor tweaks. Need to do plugins.

Content timingJane

UG Topics and programmes - it currently doesn't look like we are going to have the UG programmes written until end or April with it absolutely all being live early May.

PG - impact of delay on PG work and possible approach

We need to look at alternative solutions for getting the PostGrad requirements work underway:

  • free Paul up to start this work - more user research and Faculty Workshops
  • get additional resource in to help but ensure team also has time to stay in touch with this work.
  • might be a combination of both of these or something completely different
Integration workJane

Assuming development and content is done in order to go live we need to:

  • Faculty / School sites - link to new content / integrate new content
  • Changes to homesite
    • degree pages
    • areas of study
    • support content
    • Other areas?
  • redirects where required - decide what these are and implement
  • Solution for lost international students
  • Train web publishers
  • who will be editing this content?
  • Confirm workflow
  • Tania Hockings (Unlicensed) to work with Paul on what the content needs to be on the support page  
  • Nathan Irwin to look at the redirect solution  
  • Training materials will be produced by Andrew Bredenkamp but the final web publisher version would be produced by Core team so they can align it with existing training.
  • Who is editing content - core team or Faculty and School staff members? Nigel Riley to discuss with Nathan and David and come back on this. It could be that Topic is done by core and degrees by faculty or school
Decision logJane

Review of Decision log

CSP Reference GroupJane
 we are presenting a working version of Topics and Programmes to the CSP Reference Group. This will also be an opportunity to go through any outstanding questions.
Sprint planningJane

Sprint planning

BlockersAllTeam to raise any blockers not already covered 
WIPII Wish ListJane

WIP II Wish List - review of wish list