2016-05-18 Team meeting notes

2016-05-18 Team meeting notes




Discussion items

ItemWhoTo discussNotes
Content progress








Of 52 total undergraduate topics as of today...

3 To start

28 Loaded

49 Topics Underway and the status of these:

  • 3 being drafted
  • 12 With SME (sometimes for the second time)
  • 4 Getting final edits before loading
  • 2 Ready for loading
  • 7 Loaded and getting corrections
  • 10 Final approvals
  • 6 Final changes
  • 3 Approved/Proofreading/Deployment draft
  • 2 Live


Minor SubjectsJane

Currently these don't have a degree pathway and because we don't have them details of the courses this is a bit of a deadend. This is a bad user experience and I think could be a barrier to getting this content signed off.

A potentially solution is to link threm through to a pre-populated course search based on banner listing.

  • It won't work to link off example courses as there isn't always enough. As this feature would apply across all subjects it is also could lead people out of the funnel early rather than moving onto degrees.
  • Andrew Bredenkamp thought it would be good if link stood out a bit more.
  • Potentially we can reuse the degree pattern to show this link.


TestingJaneNeed to ensure we do testing
  • Andrew Bredenkamp to develop set of tests for releasing the Area of Study

In general before and after any releases we need to do testing, including some regression testing, to make sure it is working as expected and something else hasn't broken.

Sprint PlanningJaneTalk about what we need to achieve next sprint

There is sufficient work on board to keep everyone going.

We will move into backlog and page load speed task.

Decision logJane

Review of Decision log


Team to raise any blockers not already covered
