WIP II meetings and updates

WIP II meetings and updates

CSP Reference Group Meetings schedule

DateSprintAgenda/GoalsAttendeesNotes LinkComments
30.04.1510IntroductionPaul, David, ChrissiApril 2015 Programme and Subject Information Reference GroupInitial meeting of group

Share agreed CSP approach - subject to PMO approval

Subject page example - Anne

Programme page - Anne

Subject taxonomy? - Paul

Paul, ChrissiJune 2015 Programme and Subject Information Reference Group  

WIPII update - Chrissi

– general update, including subject groupings update and any questions from the paper attached to this invite

Topic pages - tbc

– presentation of the topic page wireframe with example content

Programme page update - Anne?

Paul, Chrissi, tbcAugust 2015 Programme and Subject Information Reference Group 

Topics and programmes wireframe

Release 1 - Topics and subject groupings

Paul and ChrissiSeptember 2015 Programme and Subject Information Reference Group 

Faculty Managers Group Meetings schedule

DateSprintAgenda/GoalsAttendeesNotes LinkComments
05.05.1510WIPII update and discussion on F&S, CSI and upcoming workshopsPaul, David, Anne, ChrissiPresentation slides (not to be shared outside of web team)

Presenting team, delivery approach, and workshops

Chrissi emailed all faculty managers post meeting (05.05.) requesting

23.06.1514Straw-person?Paul, Anne, Chrissi?WIPII faculty manager update - June 2015.pdf Kelburn meeting - Not currently on agenda, but may be opportunity to agree straw-man post F&S workshops
15.09.1520Topics and releasen/aWIPII faculty manager update - September 2015 v1.0.pdfMeeting cancelled, so update circulated via email.

Walk through update shared when previous meeting was cancelled

Update and present on the Release 1 - topics taxonomy

Offer to walk through the topics wireframe with each FM

Chrissi, Paul Kelburn meeting
10.11.15    Kelburn meeting

PMO Meetings schedule

DateSprintAgenda/GoalsNotes LinkComments
21.05.1511CSP Approach approval? This meeting or next. Want agreed prior to reference group on 15.06.15.
02.06.1512Other areas of scope - Staff repository, Library, Accommodation? Can we confirm feedback of what we think is in and out of scope in these areas?
16.06.1513Straw-person? Who actually signs this off? Does PMO or FM need to see this first?
30.06.1514Phase 4 and 5 analysis feedback Sites suggested in and out for student info sites. Also any feedback on thoughts on Research Centres.

Topic and programme update




Workshops (Faculties and Schools)

Initial Faculty Meetings - May/June 2015

GroupApproachAttendeesDate, time, locationComments
Architecture and Design
  1. Introduction
  2. Current state
  3. Audiences
  4. Purpose and goals
  5. Content management

Web team:



11am - 1pm


13/05 Sam and Jan unable to attend, even after rescheduling due to teaching commitments. Will keep Fay informed and agree on minimum needed to run workshop.

14/05 Emailed Margaret Petty and Joanna Merwood-Salisbury (school managers) about inviting more staff to the workshop. Asked for names to be confirmed by Wednesday at the latest, or we will have to reschedule.

18/05 Followed up again with Joanna and Fay. Decision to be made Wednesday whether this will go ahead without Architecture reps.

19/05 - Joanna is asking Tane Moleta if he can attend.

21/05 - Tane cannot attend. Joanna has asked deputy H0S Morten Gjerde. No feedback as yet. Have alerted this to Fay and suggested we run this anyway, and can meet with Architecture another time if required.


Web team:




Main meeting room, Karori

Met with Noeleen 13/05. She will feedback on Monday names for faculty and school attendees.

19/05 - reminded Noeleen re names for the workshops


Web team:



2- 4pm

RB901 (ITS AV room)

20/05 split out from Science workshop. Spoke with Megan and Suzan who agreed approach. New time and date will be sought ASAP.

Possible dates have been requested from AV services as no rooms are available:

  • Tuesday 26th May 2-4pm
  • Tuesday 2nd June 2-4pm
  • Thursday 4th June 2-4pm

21/05 - booked with ITS for latter date and larger AV room via Lico

Note 29.05: - not response from Christo and Elf may be as they are on a separate mail server. Will check with Suzan.

02/06: Christo has confirmed attendance

03/06: Elf will not attend, but will speak to Suzan and Craig before the workshop to share his views


Web team:



2 - 4pm

RB903 (ITS AV room)

Suzan has fed back names and been in contact with Paul

Discussion with Megan re Science. She will follow up with Science Dean, Dave Harper for more names.

Chrissi followed up with Megan on the above 13/05. Feedback from Megan received 13/05.

20/05 - Engineering removed from workshop, now just Science focussed.

Humanities and Social Sciences

Web team:

FHSS Faculty:

School/Unit staff:

  • Dr Sydney Shep, Reader in Book History and Head of Waiteata Press 
  • La’Chelle Pretorius, School Manager, Social & Cultural Studies
  • AProf John Macalister, Head of School, Linguistics & Applied Language Studies (tentative)
  • Dr Joost de Bruin, Programme Director and Senior Lecturer, School of English, Film, Theatre, and Media Studies (not attending)
  • Morna Lorden, School Manager, English, Film, Theatre, and Media Studies
  • Annaliese Ellis, School Manager, Graduate School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health  (not attending but send copy of notes)
  • Philippa Race, Postgraduate Administrator and Acting School Manager, History, Philosophy, Political Science & International Relations
  • Sarah Walton, School Manager, Languages & Cultures
  • Dr Sally Hill, Head of School, Languages & Cultures
  • Dr Marco Sonzogni – Academic (Italian & Literary Translation), Languages & Cultures (no response)
  • Balint Koller – Language Learning Advisor, Language Learning Centre Administrator (no response)
  • Paul Altomari, Academic Manager, NZSM
  • Mark McGann , Corporate Services Manager, NZSM (oversaw the development of the current site)
  • Rawinia Higgins, Head of School/AVC Maori Research
  • Awanui Te Huia - Lecturer, School of Maori Studies (tentative)
  • Paul Warren, Associate Professor, School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies
  • Edith Paillat, Language Technology Specialist, Library
  • Bernie Hambleton, School Manager, Administration, School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 


11am - 1pm


Paul meeting with Kristina 12/05

Kristina wants to wait until Melissa has returned for the workshop which is 8 June 15.,

Victoria Business School

Web team:




RWW113 (Pipitea Campus)

Paul met with Claire Williams and Anne Thomson

Names received for Business

Paul meeting with Alison from Law 12/05

14/05 Claire and Ann Thomson working on finding school reps - keep Ann in the loop on Comms


Web team:



9 - 11am


Noted that Gail only works Tuesdays but can be flexible regarding days for workshop

Alison has noted she doesn't need to attend this meeting

Graduate ResearchTBC


11am-12 midday

Theresa's office (HU?/ 205)

Initial discussion before she heads away.

Will reflect and plan next steps afterwards.

Team Notes