2016-04-20 Team meeting notes

2016-04-20 Team meeting notes




Discussion items


ItemWhoTo discussNotes
Content progress








As of today... 42 Topics Underway

3 being drafted

14 With SME (sometimes for the second time)

14 Back from SME or Ready for loading

10 Loaded

1 Live


Review the deployment process for possible improvements.

  • Andrew Bredenkamp please make it so the victoria.ac.nz/explore navigation page isn't live

Very time consuming needing to get workflow on all pages for Andrew to have permission to make changes.

  • Andrew Bredenkamp to talk to Murray about workflow and whether there is something better that could be done  

Andrew triggers cache refresh when the content is at a point when it is ready

Could potentially put things all in safe mode but Andrew says it is a big overhead

We will now release as things become ready. Before anything goes live we still need to do Comms.

Decision logJane

Review of Decision log


Team to raise any blockers not already covered

Jane Young (Unlicensed) has let FHSS and International know we won't make 6 May deadline. I need to calculate new deadline.