2015-11-5 Team meeting notes

2015-11-5 Team meeting notes




Discussion items

ItemWhoTo discussNotes
PM UpdateJane
  • Terms
  • Course Finder 'discipline' list doesn't match our list - longer term Ian from Webstructures will solve this. In the interim we will live with the discrepancies. it would be good to remove the disciplines which are nolonger taught as these are wrong.
  • Paul Seiler (Unlicensed) to talk to Teresa about deleting disciplines which are nolonger taught so they don't appear in the course finder dropdown  



Go through what is on the books and potential timing.

WIP II Delivery Approach

Annual LeaveAllPlease confirm what leave you will be taking from now until the end of January.

Not working Monday - Anne, Paul, Jane

Returning in January:

  • Joe - 5/1
  • Andrew - 5/1
  • Anne - 5/1
  • Paul - 5/1


CommunicationsPaulDo we want to share subject groupings with staff? Maybe when we are ready to invite calls for alternative search terms?
  • Have a story in VictoriaNews
  • Add in a survey for alternative search terms
Editorial Review ProcessAnneNot having an agreed review process is a blocker
  • Get a fact check only done.
  • Then next time they see it, it is in place
  • Decide who needs to sign off pages.
  • Paul requested these people also check what degrees it maps to.
  • Nigel to review solution
  • Look for existing references in confluence