September 2015 Programme and Subject Information Reference Group

September 2015 Programme and Subject Information Reference Group


Meeting 4:



  • Martin Boswell, Jenny Christie in attendance
  • Theresa Sawicka
  • Adrienne McGovern-Wilson


  1. Welcome
  2. WIPII update - 15 mins
  3. Topic & programmes wireframes - 60 mins
  4. AOB - 15 mins
  • August meeting notes (tabled at meeting)
  • Presentation slides

Discussion items

WIPII updateChrissi

Topic page content

  • Some feedback goes through to the Academic Office for graduate destinations
  • Faculties also get feedback on this and have written content into handbooks and other consultations
  • Would careers content be more closely related to programmes/degrees than topics?
  • A future student may want to understand what you can get out of a subject before you select your programme/degree
Topic pages & programme pagesPaul

Release 1

  • The taxonomy page for the first release was presented by Paul
  • Timeframe for release is ahead of 1 October, ready for enrolment
  • The mega-areas are presented with a short introduction
  • This then provides a list of topics, and below a list of subjects
  • Each subject will link to the subject pages that currently exist on homesite or on the faculty and school pages
  • Jenny will check the term 'subject' and how it is used
  • Use of the term 'area of study' would need to be consistently applied when working with students
  • All levels in the taxonomy can be considered as areas of study


Changes to topics which were shared with the group since last meeting

  • Language and inconsistencies
  • Some reordering and tidying of elements

Other areas not covered during the meeting include:

  • Reordering of sections to improve flow
  • Some blocks of the wireframe refined or removed based on feedback

Walk-through of the programme/degree wireframe

About tab

  • The link to the programme/degree wireframe was presented. This can be accessed via the topic, or directly from a search for programmes
  • Noted there are some inconsistencies of terms of terminology e.g. programme/degree
  • Student recruitment currently use bridging terminology between school terms and university application terms
  • The term 'programme' appears to be the most problematic
  • There was some discussion around how we can show the multiple programme/degree options for a subject
    • The programme page can show other programme/degrees you could choose
  • They are links to enrol now ('apply now' may be a better term) - this could be OES or Registration of Interest
  • Links for the Advisors - need to consider this further
  • Plan to use the same topic page for both domestic and international - no need to be different
    • This would not be the same for degrees however
    • Need to be clear on what we do or don't promote to international vs what they can and cannot study
  • There may be a default view for the programme/degree page (international or domestic) based on your IP, but this can be switched between the two
  • There may be some cautionary text for international students, the primary reason is around visa's, not that we don't want them as students. Need to be careful how we display this
  • The wireframe shows both domestic and international fees, but these actually wouldn't both be available and would be subject to the international/domestic switch (as referenced above)
  • Based on the users geographical location and where they are on the website (i.e. which programme/degree page) we could promote suitable events for them to attend
  • Available majors are presented, but some programmes/degrees may have a very long list of possible majors
  • It was noted the website shouldn't really be making recommendations
  • Should we be advertising that in programmes/degrees can do outside/external majors?
    • There is potentially far too much information to present here
    • Discussion concluded that listed majors and minors for the degree would be provided with reference to their are additional flexibilities
  • Similar programmes/degrees - optional block but could potentially be problematic for faculties directing prospective students from one faculty to another
    • Likely for very similar programmes/degrees and also where a subject is available as a major/minor in more than one programme/degree
  • How many programmes/degrees you could study in this subject would be referenced in the topic and programme/degree wireframes
    • The subject page should provide detail on the options for programmes/degrees, to then guide prospective students to the right programme/degree
  • The term 'similar' doesn't seem to work, may need to change the term such as 'related'?
  • 'Great to know' provides the next level of information and can be quite flexible
  • It was noted that Faculties own the programmes/degrees and they would need to write this content not schools
  • 'What you will study' was noted to be of particular use for PG students
  • There is a block for 'Transferring' where the 'contact us' can be directed where appropriate, most likely the faculty office
  • 'Further study' pitches what the next stage may be beyond the programme/degree
    • e.g. Showing PG qualification to an undergraduate programme/degree
  • Contact blocks can be amended for each subject to what is available, including social media
  • 'Need more information' will link back to the topics

Planning tab

  • This is where we explain the rules around the programme/degree
  • We are conscious not to try and replicate what MyQual or other systems will be trying to support now and in the near future
  • The list of majors currently shows 2 but could be flexible, but to what extent still needs to be agreed
  • The majors listed would be those that would be available to the programme/degree, and includes listed minors and sometimes listed specialisations
  • How this will be queried is to be agreed, but would have to be consistent with any other sources i.e. Banner
  • With listing just the two majors, it may discourage future students to take up outside majors
  • How expert can the user be to make the decisions around subjects and majors
    • Noted support from advisers ideally, but what support can we provide online, or how could we make it easier
    • How can we balance making this comprehensive and make is easy to use
  • There are challenges in making it work for other programmes/degrees i.e. would be quite different for the BA.
    • Group are invited to feedback where they feel the challenges would be and we can extend the current wireframe to see if we can address this
  • Entry requirements, and potentially anything else which is more than the minimum can be stated
  • The rules of the programme/degree are generic, and not filtered from the major
  • Is the term 'degree course' clear. Should it be more specific and state the programme/degree i.e. 'BA courses'
  • Showing them courses takes them to a separate screen (may be courses from course finder)
  • The course finder search proposed is more flexible, and will bring forward the Banner subject codes appropriate for the programme/degree and major you have selected