2015-06-11 Team meeting notes

2015-06-11 Team meeting notes



Discussion items

General updateChrissi
  • JIRA & sprint planning - approach for next sprint (high level tasks) and documented key next steps
  • F&S workshop feedback - requests for this afternoons meeting, and thinking about recommendations for order of faculties
  • Current state assessments for F&S's - see historical docs for info

Proposed agenda/discussion:

      1. Each comment on what we think the purpose of a faculty and school site might be
      2. How we see the future state(s) for the sites i.e. schools within faculty sites.  Does it work for all?
      3. Research & Research Centres, Institutes and Chairs (Anne)
      4. More general discussion: Look at the keys themes from each agenda item from the workshop and see whether we have missed anything from the epics or key scope areas
  • Reference group Monday - subjects
  • Faculty Managers 23rd - recommendations
Team updateAll
  • Meeting with Megan and Dave from Science - Anne and Dave
    • Emphasis around research (centres)
  • Subject card sort - how much feedback to date Sam?
    • Vic Connect today for student testing (40 card sort)
    • 3 thus far for staff (full card sort)
  • Research - Paul
  • Staff profiles - Paul epic, Andrew analysis
    • Andrew to write up current state in Squiz
    • Paul starting to write stories from revised epic WIP-248
  • Anne - topics
  • Joe - feedback from meeting with Christo in Engineering (wiki demo tomorrow)

Action items
