2015-05-21 Team meeting notes

2015-05-21 Team meeting notes



Discussion items

Updates etc.Chrissi
  • One to ones - move to Tuesdays, so ahead of story times? AGREED
  • Last meeting actions (all done)
    • Chrissi Dean (Unlicensed) to speak with David about a Blackboard demo (maybe Beth in ITS? - Blackboard demo booked for next Friday.
      • Team fed back they want to understand how staff use BB for comms/interactions with students, and the extent of staff and student uptake of BB
    • Chrissi Dean (Unlicensed) to review how to map systems and channels i.e. MyQual, Banner, MyVictoria, Blackboard, Web Channel, tools within etc. - Meeting with Beth next week.
    • Chrissi Dean (Unlicensed) to invite Andrew to the A&D workshop. Done.
  • PMO
    • Priorities of requirements were discussed. How to deliver what is wanted/needed vs political and technical drivers. Noted not for PMO but team will drive prioritisation of requirements on an evidence based approach.
    • Urgency of IA and potential block on WIPII. Chrissi will follow up with David and Nigel and review planned work in the backlog.
    • Delivery approach and driver around 1st Oct for CSP. Will be picked up with Nigel and PMO.
CSP Delivery ApproachChrissi

Review of options, pros and cons, team preferred approach.

  • Options discussed and agreed that option 4 should be updated to show that CSP and Faculty start at same time for first faculty.
  • Suggested we should try and show some relativity in sizing of blocks of development, in relation to F&S and CSP. Agreed this would not be done at this stage in any detail. Only show that F&S more complex than CSP. First faculty no matter which will be larger as the first.
  • Team will feedback on pros and cons and comment as required.

In relation to the delivery of F&S's and initial thoughts:

  • One faculty at a time.
  • Do not continue with A&D in parallel as workshops give us that overview across the board.
  • Set up a working group with members from each faculty, and engage on a monthly basis on approach, demos, progress etc.
Faculty and School workshopsAll
  • Some minor changes on approach to get what we need, but agenda stays the same.
  • More structure around alternative channels using a predetermined list that can be added to.
  • More focus on future than current state.
  • Confirmed that the first two workshops were still useful and we do not need to revisit Law and VBS at this stage.
  • Noted better time keeping needed to manage session better.
  • Anne raised concerns around timing for user testing.
    • Reviewed page user testing in Confluence and the task in for Sam next sprint - WIP-205 - Getting issue details... STATUS .
    • Noted that the high level task WIP-174 - Getting issue details... STATUS can be added to by the team if they have work around user testing for Sprint 12.

  • Discussion around use of communication channels across the university.
    • Being documented as part of workshops and so far can see that approaches differ.
    • Want to document and promote what channels are available and how they could be used.
    • Will be shared with Comms team, and embedded Comms roles in F&S.
    • Chrissi noted following discussion with Maria today that there is no one view of channels used or how they should be. Maria noted some restrictions on what we can mandate but is looking forward to the feedback.
    • There is a task in JIRA that Chrissi and Paul discussed this week WIP-177 - Getting issue details... STATUS .
    • Paul drew up what a graphical representation may look like of use of channels. This focused on future students, current students and alumni (student journey) and how comms are addressed to the masses vs more personal interaction. across this journey.

Action items

  • Chrissi Dean (Unlicensed) to reschedule team 1-2-1's to Tuesdays so ahead of story times
  • Chrissi Dean (Unlicensed) to check IA planned work, and discuss with David and Nigel as appropriate.  Mentioned to both.  Meeting scheduled for 27/05.
  • Team to feedback on CSP options on Confluence
  • Chrissi Dean (Unlicensed) to review CSP approach with Nigel ahead of PMO today (21/05).  Done.  Agreed further discussion needed with Nigel then will present to Mads ahead of next PMO.  Meeting 26/05 with Nigel.
  • Chrissi Dean (Unlicensed) to update the delivery approach option 4
  • Team to review WIP-174 and add test project tasks if they have any
  • Chrissi Dean (Unlicensed) to feedback requirements for BB demo to Irina in CAD ahead of next Friday demo