2015-07-16 Team Meeting notes

2015-07-16 Team Meeting notes





  • Confirm the work for next sprint
  • Share developments on work in progress and seek feedback

Discussion items

TimingItemWhoDescriptionNotes on discussion
  1. How do people feel they are tracking on the current priorities?
  2. For next sprint confirm what will be undertaken and who will do what

The outcome of this is that I should be able to set up the tasks to then be broken down into project tasks by assigned team members. At the same time please make sure the task description includes reference to any requirements or background information that is relevant.

Sprint Planning

5 minsFaculties and Schools: proposed approachAnne

Share proposed approach, get feedback.


Anne and Sam ran us through the current thinking.

Nigel challenged whether this would be the right time and place to discuss the changes to the web publishing roles as this is a sensitive area as it effects peoples jobs and a F&S budget.

There is still CS interviews which may change this depending on whether the assumptions are correct.

Everyone should have a look at this page and give feedback.

10 minsOrder of faculties to work withPaul

Do we have a decision on the order we work with faculties? If not, what are we waiting for? My view is that we were doing FHSS and FAD together, with no decision yet made on the order of the remaining faculties.

Faculties and Schools notes

Nigel remembers this as FHSS got the go ahead.

Paul remembers go ahead but verbally - there is a page in the WIP spaces that discusses the options. Thinks it may be good to have FAD alongside FHSS to help the rhythm of work and waiting.

Jane bought up whether that would be too much work alongside Topics, Subjects and Programmes work.

Could pick up work with Faculties alongside CSP work.

There is also work needed on 'features' - student profiles, student work, alumni profiles etc.

Anne wants to ensure the work we do is well aligned with the Marketing Publications team so changes on the web can benefit our publications - GUS, Faculty handbooks.

Nigel/Joe it is important we give a good user experience through a site that loads quickly or it will turn people off.


10 minsUser researchPaulDo we need to plan for any more interviews as part of Phase 1: Discovery? If so lets agree on the audience groups and assign responsibility.

The University is about to commission some research on their partner stakeholders which includes business/government/alumni/donors etc. This could potentially include some questions to help WIPII or we could ensure it is co-ordinated so the same people aren't approached twice. Should be coordinated through PMO.

Post-grad - we don't know much about this audience. Nigel is going to share some post-experience awareness research with Anne. Nigel could present this information to the whole of web meeting.

International - need to know more about this group. Anne to pick Janes brains about potential contacts for recruiting students.

Future students - could approach local and regional students at the Study at Victoria day - would need to be co-ordinated with SRAO.

5 minStaff profilesAndrew/PaulCan we start building the pieces we will need for WIP, especially those required to "decommission" existing faculty sites? Requirements and technical understanding are probably good enough to start next sprint.

Paul is waiting to hear back from David on an email.

Put together a one-page document on what we are proposing.

Need to then get all the parties in the same room - ITS, FGR (Simpletic) etc.