2015-05-14 Team meeting notes

2015-05-14 Team meeting notes



Discussion items

General updateChrissi
  • This meeting - 1 hour going forward so more time for sharing developments
  • One to ones - move to Tuesdays, so ahead of story times? Will review in Mondays meeting with team
  • UI Developer role update - requesting references at the moment
  • Office move - HU316 and HU317. Friday afternoon off. Please ensure your belongings are all packed up before midday.
    • Everyone moving is able to take the afternoon off.
  • Pre-planning meeting next Monday, story time next Wednesday. As a team we need to improve our planning which may include:
    • Estimates
    • Sprint themes
    • Consideration of follow on tasks from current sprint
    • End of Discovery phase? How many sprints do we need?
Straw personAnne
  • Straw person was presented by Anne, and discussed with the team
    • Based on the audits and is a perspective on how it may work
    • Proposed:
      • Channel IA - Faculty sits in 'About us'
      • Channel IA - Schools sit in 'Current students'
    • SAS will have a major influence on schools based around being more of a current student focussed site. Learning Success work noted as usual background on thinking from SAS
    • When we consider approaches for delivering content, consider what we could feed into training such as web best practice - education for administrators is key
    • Programme support - once we take away CSP, we are left with dips and certs (to what extent does CSP cover it) and the professional development courses. Need to consider these further
    • Noted that not all faculties and schools use Blackboard - we need to consider what is suitable for BB, and whether we can apply this consistently. Also need to review what CAD are doing in this area or Jonny Flutey's team (ITS)
    • Some discussion around use of social media and feeds. Wider comms across the faculties appear to be very disparate. We may be able to help them with this, but will need to discuss with Maria and any Comms and Marketing reps within the faculties
    • Audiences noted primarily students (prospective for faculties, current for schools). To what extent would staff (academic, or admin) use this information? What do we have on the staff hub?
      • Paul noted improvements for students around CSP (as discussed in the reference group) may deliver to some extent what staff may want in terms of improvements. What do we need to ask them and is the initial workshop the appropriate place?

Action items