2016-12-13 WIP2 Decisions meeting notes

2016-12-13 WIP2 Decisions meeting notes





Discussion items

ItemWhoTo discussNotes
Qualifications maintenanceJane/AndrewGo through what has been developed so far, discuss if and how we might want to progress this.
  • Needs workflow
  • Preview changes
  • having two years up
  • Could this be useful tool for just the team as editing in Squiz is auditing
PG Content ProgressAll


To Do: 2

Drafted: 10

GC Review: 19

GC Changes: 2

Load/Check: 1

Squiz Review: 7

Squiz Changes: 2

Proofreading: 5

Comms approval: 13

Final changes: 0

Ready: 15

Launched: 8 / 84


To Do: 5

Drafted: 3

GC Review: 20

GC Changes: 1

Load/Check: 5

Squiz Review: 2

Squiz Changes: 2

Proofreading: 2

Comms approval: 9

Final changes: 0

Ready: 0

Launched: 37 / 84

Research InterestsJane/Andrew

How should Research Interests be displayed?

At the moment people enter text in the Research Expertise database as a solid block of text.

Currently we make it a bulleted list based on where commas are



Jane thinks it might be safer to break on semi-colons as there could be reasons to have commas but have the content on the same line. However, we may want to take a sample of how many pages need to be edited based on this change compared to how many need to be edited based on keeping it the same.


  • Remove styling from this list so it comes through as block of text.

Events promote functionalityJane

Is this working?

  • When will homesite be set up
  • Who are the people who will get the emails
  • When are we kicking off people using this feature
  • It takes 90 seconds for button to appear - Nathan Irwin does Vaughan know about this and is he working on it.
Events orderJane

Order of events listing on homepage

  • list of three events about to happen
  • list of three events furtherest in the future
Paul Seiler (Unlicensed) to add as a potential enhancement

Team to raise any blockers not already covered