Environmental Sciences topic corrections page

Environmental Sciences topic corrections page

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1.7.0Jane Young (Unlicensed) via Issie Grundyhttp://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/environmental-sciences/people

“I am passionate about facilitating learning for students with disabilities. I have a visual disability myself, and know from experience that a little extra support can make all the difference.”





  • David Rowswell (Unlicensed) please remove words in caption on photo number 8
    Students look at aCaption to come rock fragment that was deposited by a glacier to identify its mineral composition, at Lake Ohau, south-western Canterbury.

Gone live



Jane Young (Unlicensed) via John Townend




Change the first sentence on the people page to read:

Find out what it’s like to study Environmental Sciences at Victoria from students and a lecturer.




Under 'Ecology and Biodiversity' study option correct the sentence under the fact to read:

Study at the number one ranked tertiary institution in New Zealand for overall research quality in ecology. You'll explore topics including physical and biological processes in ecology, genetics and molecular biology, statistics, plant ecology and conservation, animal ecology and behaviour, and evolution.




Please upload the banner - image in project folder


Please add a video under Ecology and Biodiversity


Title - Studying the potential behaviour of rhino horn poachers

Cover image - 0.22

Caption - A group of Biology students carry out an experiment to try to understand how poachers might change their behaviour if the horns of live rhino were poisoned.

Placement - after all intro text


please add new captions as per yellow box on M drive sheet - Environment Slideshow details.doc

Also correct spelling error in yellow on last caption


Real world connections - remove apostrophe

.......GNS Science, and its own Antarctic Research Centre.....




In Peter's story - please add a link on the word 'Āwhina' - link to http://www.victoria.ac.nz/students/get-involved/lead-mentor/awhina

(decided not to use a tooltip)



1.10Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/environmental-sciences/about

Videos need cover sills - these have been specified but currently all are showing Lisa Marriott

  • Cover/still for "Researching ocean temperatures and discovering Antartica - cover shot 0.09
  • Cover/still for "Exploring Biology, Ecology and the marine environment' - cover shot 0.12 or 0.53 reversed.


1.1.0Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/environmental-sciences/study

Videos need cover sills - these have been specified but currently all are showing Lisa Marriott

  • Cover/still for Environmental Science - "Are humans responsible for climate change?' - any good headshot, also missing caption -
    [caption] Professor James Renwick explains why human activity has been the biggest contributor to the Earth’s changing climate.
  • Cover/still for Marine Biology - 'Researching at the Costal Ecology Lab' - 0.07


1.1.0Jane Young (Unlicensed)

The Marine Conservation subject has the wrong content. Please replaced with;

Marine Conservation PG

Learn about protecting the marine environment in a country with an international reputation in marine conservation and good fisheries management.

New Zealand is the perfect place to study marine issues—with unparalleled access to a range of temperate marine environments, including rocky shores, estuaries, fiords and sea mounts. In Wellington you'll be in easy reach of two marine reserves – Taputeranga, on the city's south coast, and Kāpiti, a little further north.

You'll explore examples from New Zealand, Australia and the South Pacific, and learn how to apply what you've learned worldwide.

Get your degree in New Zealand's first graduate programme in Marine Conservation. There's a pressing need for scientists to work with the growing number of Marine Protected Areas in the South Pacific region and beyond. Graduates in Marine Conservation are highly sought after.



1.1.0Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/environmental-sciences/study

Missing image under ecological restoration - this is in the gather content page and project folder

[caption] Student working at the Wairio Wetland near Lake Wairarapa.

(removed image here as it has now been uploaded)



1.1.0Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/environmental-sciences/about

Create slideshow based on supplied images and captions




Corrections to attributes of PG programmes:



1.1.0http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/environmental-sciences/studyDelete the 'Explore postgraduate options' from all subjects, both words and link.

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