Development Studies topic corrections page

Development Studies topic corrections page

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1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/development-studies/about

Please add in banner image that has hut and tropical bush.




Please updated Junior Ulu's profile to read:

From teaching to aid

In a previous life I worked as a secondary school teacher. I went into development, working with the New Zealand High Commission in Apia, Samoa, and then Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA).

A need to up-skill

After a while I realised that I needed to couple my practical experience with some theoretical knowledge and I decided to do the Postgraduate Diploma in Development Studies. I loved it so much I continued on to do a Master of Development Studies—and now I'm working on my PhD full time.

Positive outcomes

On completing my postgraduate diploma I was promoted from the position of Programme Officer in VSA's Pacific team, where I managed the VSA programmes in Samoa, Tonga and Tokelau as well as Kiribati in Micronesia.




Jane Young (Unlicensed) via John Overton

http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/development-studies/peopleNeed to update Junior Ulu's story as he is now back here full time studying his PhD



Jane Young (Unlicensed) via John Overton


For John Overton's story please remove the speechmarks from the body of the story and also make the following changes:

John Overton
Professor of Development Studies
Close to home
I work a lot in the Pacific Island region, and I have noticed that it's the very basic things that effect people’s daily welfare. How is development changing people’s lives for the better or worse? How can people in the Pacific region, or elsewhere, participate in the decisions which are changing their lives?
A big part of it is not just imposing answers from outside, but, through community involvement and consultation, finding ways of harnessing peoples own ideas, their own resources and their own visions of the future—and then working with that.
Out in the field
I’ve being doing this for 30 odd years now, mostly doing research and working with development agencies. I started with an interest in Africa, and I did my PhD work in Kenya way back. I remember my first day in Nairobi – walking around and getting blown away by the place and the people. But I was also blown away by the enormity of the issues and the incredible rate and nature of change that was happening.
Today, so much is happening in the world, so much is fundamentally changing people’s lives—for better or worse, so for me I want to be involved in these issues and try to understand them a little more.
Different minds, different experiences
Studying development usually involves a class situation where you're mixing with people interested in the big wide world, many of whom have been travelling and doing the backpacking thing—going through South America, South East Asia and the Pacific. They're coming back thinking, "This is where I want to work, I want to be involved, to get dirty boots and be hands on." It's very inspiring.




Jane Young (Unlicensed) via John Overton


Please update the related areas of study to be:

  • Anthropology
  • Economics and finance
  • Geography
  • History
  • Politics and international relations
  • Pacific cultures and languages

Missing images:

  • Junior Ulu - Career View image
  • Genna Boyle (newly added story)


1.1.0Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/development-studies/people

Image for Stella Ivory is in the project folder



1.1.0Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/development-studies/people

Please add in extra student story under Genna Boyle on the people page. The story is for Stella Ivory and you will find in in the project folder and I have included it below. We are still waiting on the photo.

Stella profile for development studies.docx





Delete following sentence from Development Studies subject section

" And what else you choose to study will determine whether you do a Bachelor of Science (BSc) or a Bachelor of Arts (BA)."


Related areas of study: Anthropology and Sociology are now two not the same AoS. Spreadsheet was updated last or even this week. Use Sociology, which has two subjects, Sociology and Social Policy.

29/4/16 1.1.0http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/development-studies/study

The sentences about each UG degree option need adding in to the study options tab. They can't just be dropped.

Bachelor of Science (BSc) 3 years

If you're interested in environmental issues and science based-subjects like Geography and Earth Sciences then do Development Studies through this degree
Leads to a [Link to http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sgees/study/postgraduate-study/development-studies/study-options] Master of Development Studies.

Bachelor of Arts (BA) 3 years

If you're interested in humanities, sociology, politics and international relations then take Development Studies through this degree.

Leads to a [Linkto http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sgees/study/postgraduate-study/development-studies/study-options] Master of Development Studies



1.1.0Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/development-studies/people

You can select an image of Genna from here http://imageservices.shootproof.com/gallery/25050Boyle/home

You can select an image of John Overton from here http://imageservices.shootproof.com/gallery/28817Overton/home


Add graduate to Junio's title.

Junior Ulu
Master of Development Studies

29/4/161.1.0http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/development-studies/aboutMove fact to sit under real world connections
1.1.0http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/development-studies/aboutGenna's title should be 'Bachelor of Science student in Development Studies'