Networking and Security corrections page

Networking and Security corrections page

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Undergraduate degree block

Remove reference to Master of Engineering Practice as a 'Leads to', because it is taught by the ICT grad school and we are not to cover their qualifications.



Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/networking-and-security/people

Under Dale Carnegies profile please replace 'the' with 'a'

Leading by example
For Professor Dale Carnegie, winner of a 2015 Ako Aotearoa Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award, excellent teaching is all about putting students at the centre.


Please upload the new banner - image is in the project folder.


Sorry but this page has been reworked - two blocks of content are being replaced, and the order of the page has changed.

The new page is in M drive - Network Eng About changes.doc. New content is in green. Let me know if anything isn't clear.





Replace intro text with:

Find out more about Networking and Security at Victoria from two lecturers.

Replace entire profile on Alex Deng with: M drive doc......Network Eng - People and Stories changes.doc


In the Network Engineering block, after the main text but before the "Undergradute degrees' block - please add a quote

Network engineering is such a growth industry that we simply can’t produce enough graduates to meet demand.

Bryan Ng

Lecturer in Engineering and Computer Science

Full story




We are removing Michael Bairds story and quote, do you think we should include a quote from Alex Deng?
from gabe - Alex has no quotes. His story is actually a Bryan Ng story in which he mentions Alex. For now we are going to use the two lecturers and wait until we get a suitable student story.

Also there are two quotes from same lecturer on this page - could you make a call on whether one needs to go.
from Gabe - I'll move one to the study options page.

Note I have also reordered this page and added a heading to break a big block of text




Utilising our new 'leads to a" line, the two destinations should be:

For Network Engineering:

4/4/2016http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/networking-and-security/aboutFun-fact: remove source and url, replace with MBIE and make it a link.1.0.14

Paul S


Why Wellington: Put Learn from the best text and heading in before One of a kind and replace with: Your time at University is all about having new experiences, and there's no better place for it than Wellington. It's culturally rich, has a stunning natural environment and you can walk almost everywhere. Andrew Bredenkamp this is not quite what I meant i suggest we have a chat about this page.

Paul S


4/4/16http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/networking-and-security/aboutPut quote from Michael Baird in after Learn from the best. Change Michael Baird to: Bachelor of Engineering with Honours student in Network Engineering1.0.14

Paul S


4/4/16http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/networking-and-security/aboutPut second quote from Brian Ng in after After you graduate. Change both quotes to: Lecturer in Engineering and Computer Science1.0.14

Paul S



Change Michael Baird to: Bachelor of Engineering with Honours student in Network Engineering

Change Alex Deng to: Bachelor of Engineering with Honours student in Network Engineering


Paul S


4/4/16http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/networking-and-security/peopleIn Dale' story Remove text under heading: Leading by example and the heading Learning to communicate.1.0.14

Paul S


4/4/16http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/networking-and-security/peopleUse 0:50 as the still in video. (use the frame where Dale is pointing to the screen and the student has his hand on his arm)1.0.14

Paul S



Video has two sets of play controls, and the grey stripe looks ugly.

Paul Seiler (Unlicensed) As before with Video cover. Also we need to be supplied with banner images otherwise grey stripe.


Paul S



Add a quote from Dale to sit under the why wellington box:

Every teaching opportunity is an occasion to lead by example, to clearly demonstrate that I enjoy being with my students, that I am passionate about the material I am presenting and that I deeply care about their individual learning.

Professor Dale Carnegie
Dean of Engineering

Dales Story

Alida Steemson (Unlicensed): The Why Wellington block is the "Learn from the best" block which now has Michael Baird's quote after it (from change #3). Do you want to have this quote there instead?

Paul Seiler (Unlicensed) This is not what I meant I obviously was not clear enough in my instructions I will clear this up with Andrew when he gets in.


Paul S



Change Alex Dengs qualification to: Master of Engineering student in Network Engineering



Paul S



Correct spelling of Bryan Ng's name.

Display his p[hoto (now in the project folder).

http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/networking-and-security/peopleThere is now a photo for Alex Deng in the project folder1.1.0



We need to remove Michael Baird story and quote as he withdrew from this course without completing1.1.0