Feedback on GUS

Feedback on GUS

Two support people spent time reading GUS. At the end of the session, there was time for Anne to chat with them about how they found it.

Friend 1: 'A'

Chilton, year 13.

Considering Law next year.

  • Wants to know how the degree is made up.
  • Course planning - important - move pages 44 to 45 to front? They're good.
  • Definition of programme? To her, this means: "pretty much everything I'd do at uni".
  • How many papers can I do per year?
  • p96 quite good.
  • Re. features - too general. Wants it to be more detailed and relevant to what they are doing. Not just how they like Vic or how their first year went, but more about clubs they joined, how they organised their workload, etc.


Friend 2: 'W'

Wellington High, year 13

 Not really considering uni

  • Liked stories (features) most
  • Liked layout - look and feel
  • Useful: Entry requirements and degree requirements (p54)