2015-03-10 Subjects meeting - VI with FHSS

2015-03-10 Subjects meeting - VI with FHSS




NOTE:  These are notes are written for Chrissi with WIPII in mind and doesnt not capture all discussion

  • Background - review of subject lists and suggested metadata
  • Lists currently are just PG with an International focus
  • List includes subjects, qualifications

Discussion items

Review of subject lists
  • Items added by Melissa from FHSS
  • Noted quite a lot missing - assume this is from just listing international students relevant subjects and degree programmes?
  • Some terminology amended
  • TESOL needed amending
  • Handbook noted as more up to date text than the web channel - currently everything is built up from the subject and degree pages and these dont appear to be up to date
  • If changes are needed would need to be developed by the faculty - no web resource and timeframe
  • FHSS currently updating the handbook for next year - can look for gaps and identify where changes are needed on the web channel
  • Political science and international relations is good to split out - would prefer it to be split out this way in course finder
  • Degree changes coming from the school sites, as no information at this level on homesite
  • Keith noted some issues around economics MA and MComm (as an example) and cross content between faculties - due to pathways? (see action to follow up with Keith)
Generic notes
  • Content in subject areas could potentially be broken down into content for UG, PG and international which would be drawn out dependent on where it is surfaced on the channel
  • Keith noted assumptions around subject first approach as part of WIPII (check whether this is on the HLS doc)

Action items/Questions

  • Chrissi Dean (Unlicensed) to get a copy of the revised lists. Jane Young (Unlicensed) can you point me at these if they end up on Confluence please?
  • Keith Bolland (Unlicensed) Is there is a definitive list of degree programmes which are not suitable for international students?  Does this in turn then make some subject areas not suitable for international students?  How would this be managed if new degree programmes were added to a subject area which changed the subject suitability for international students? (sorry think typing)
  • Keith Bolland (Unlicensed) could you please explain to me the issue you referenced around Economics please in the VI subject meeting?  I think this was based around degrees with mulitple pathways e.g. MA/MComm?
  • Keith Bolland (Unlicensed)Jane Young (Unlicensed) Have subjects and mapping to degrees been cosolidated as part of this process?  (Want to ensure that any audits we are doing now will be updated as required from this work).