IIML SME Meeting notes

IIML SME Meeting notes


Why Wellington and Vic? 

News and events and real world connections

Arts environment, Plays at BATS, readings at Te Papa, all close together, indoor city, Lots of writers, a critical mass – sense of community is fostered. 30 graduates a year,  

Gift economy - you get as much as you contribute. Participation is key,

Small intimate learning environment,  no hiding in the back of the lecture theatre.

Wellington, and national conversation.

Lot's of history as evidenced in the newsletter 'archive' - they want to keep this.

Postgrad benefits.

Writers festival

3 Master classes a year – poet, scripter, fiction author.

Dedicated Library, writers rooms to book.

Prizes, Scholarships. Scholarship to continue writing project for six graduates.

Industry placement

Organised by the director – real selling point and often leads to more work.

About course

It's about improving as a writer, personal growth, self realisation, who you are as an author. Help to find own voice. 

Developing imaginative capacity.

Strong connections to Vi Uni Press, book launches etc 

Not just about fiction or poetry - children's books, teen fiction, biographies too.

Giving over to what you love for a year, interrupting their lives, putting everything on hold to write their novel.

Learning from your peers experience and interests.

Turbine - online publication run buy current students.

Iowa Workshop.


Mostly by word of mouth, guest lecturers have been known to come and do a PhD or masters after lecturing here.

Have Twitter account 

After you graduate

The friendships and networks developed through the workshop environment continue beyond graduation, Alumni events, Writers on Mondays and other public outreach events fosters this.

Can go for a career in anything that involves writing. For a start you can be an actual writer.

Publishing, editing, retail, anyhting to do with books.

Teaching at tertiary level.

Connections made by internships can lead to employment.

TV productions, theatre productions.