MBusAn SME meeting notes

MBusAn SME meeting notes

Master of Professional Business Analysis postgraduate SME meeting on 30/05/2016

Dr Jean-Grégoire Bernard – Programme Director

Kim Hann - Senior Adminstrator, supports JG

Rees Ward - Director, Wellington ICT Graduate School

Susan Anderson - Administrator, Wellington ICT Graduate School? (only started last week) - main contact while Rees is away.

Paul, Jane and Nick

See: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sim/about/news/2015-news-archive/new-masters-of-professional-business-analysis-offered-in-2016

Wellington ICT Graduate School  

Offered in conjunction with Wellington ICT Graduate School  

Want to promote it on the Wellington ICT Graduate School website

Paul noted we have an API so could feed content to that site - update in one place, display on two sites. Rees will set up a meeting with their web vendors, Abletech, to discuss.

ICT graduate school is a partnership between Victoria / Weltec / Whitirea. Currently 80% of programmes are from Victoria:

Run by a board made up of academics and people from industry

In addition to MBusAn there will also be a Masters of Software Engineering, Masters of Engineering Practise (Dale Carnegie & Stuart) and a Masters of Design Practise from Victoria. There will be a Masters of Information Technology from ??Whitirea or Weltec??

They are currently working on creating scholarships.

Selling points

If you're interested in solving complex business and social problems with technology

Career change - either move fields entirely and become a BA, or learn BA skills that you can apply to the field you've been working in

Mixture of course-based content (1/3), different projects (1/3) and practical learning (1/3) based within the industry. 30-50% based within ICT firms.


The last third is a full practicum, working in the industry, building connections/contacts, getting work experience. You can also do the practicum by creating a start-up.

Also covers soft skills - entrepreneurial

1 year full-time


Content sources

Can get content from Wellington ICT Graduate School page in draft of the Guide to Postgraduate Study 2017 from Charlotte

Programme outlines

Rich content

They have a digital marketing campaign

Launch event video


Getting a diverse range of people back into education.

26, 11 domestic, 15 international

75% have work experience & 25% straight from different undergrad discipline

A number of internationals do the course in the hope that the work experience will get them a job

The schools targets are for domestic students (and also to provide BAs for business not government)


Need messages for industry as well to encourage them to become involved and create partnerships with the ICT Graduate School.

Example of how it can work: For Xero they deliver a student team that includes a BA, designer and developer to all work together for Xero on a project that Xero have nominated.


Entry to anyone with a bachelor's

Can't get in if you've had professional experience as a BA

c.f. related programmes - MIM (must have IT experience), MComm (green candidates), MBusAn fits between these two in the staircase.

Limit of 40 seats in BusAn - currently 26 have offers and 7 are registered for info evening