

A place to draw together our findings and thoughts on channels, with a focus on how other channels can support the web (and visa versa)


  • A visual representation of when each channel is likely to be relevant to a student, from before they come, through while they are here, to after they have graduated (in two formats)

Channel graphic.svg and Channel graphic.vsdx



A summary of workshop discussions around channels. Note that some discussions were cut short - it's a snapshot rather than a comprehensive view.

See also the workshop notes in Optimal's Reframer.


Channels document sent to comms

The below was sent 19/08/2018 - it's expected that Comms will take the lead in the production of any guidelines for using channels at this stage. This document makes some suggestions for improvement based on our research.

There might be more work for us in the web space a bit further into the project, when the picture of how things will work is clearer.