Current student: Marie

Current student: Marie



Based on 'Marie' in the SAS personas


  • Female
  • 21 years old
  • 3rd year
  • Samoan ethnicity
  • Lives with extended family in Porirua: spends a lot of time commuting
  • Fairly independent and outgoing
  • Hard working


"I always wanted to go to university. My parents and family are so proud of me."


"I enjoy hanging out with my friends at cultural practice and cultural events. It’s great that there’s free internet so I can catch up with my friends on Facebook."


"Because I live with my relatives, I don’t have the same freedom as other students in the halls and feel an obligation to do chores, look after my younger cousins and help out at church."


"I really want to be here; I want to succeed and make my family proud."


Technology and internet

Communications preferences: Mostly uses email, with social media, MyVic and Blackboard coming next.

Social media: Facebook - is signed up to VUW groups and course/class rep FB pages. Keeps an eye on what’s happening around Uni and with friends. Reads all discussions on course info and may take part.

Technology: Laptop.

Accesses Vic WIFI for Facebook, Blackboard, Emails, myVic.

Tertiary education and career goals

Considering doing her Masters next year - interested in finding a research topic related to stories passed down through oral traditions.

Information needs from Victoria