International student: Amy

International student: Amy




  • Female
  • 20 years old
  • From the US
  • 2nd year
  • Living in Halls


  • Very idealistic
  • Strong social engagement
  • Studies are secondary


  • An extrovert
  • Fairly independent


"My initial choice of study brought me to Victoria. Moving to a new country was quite a challenge; it took me a while to feel settled.

Since I’ve been at university my ‘values’ and my point of view have changed. I'm involved in a lot of campus activities which have increased my social and cultural awareness.

My motivation to continue is to experience student life while I’m in New Zealand. I have lots of friends here and we hang out regularly. My biggest worry is having to return to my country and readjust to the culture."


Amy's parents were initially her main influencers, but now she's more independent, she listens to her peers more.

Technology and internet

  • Confident online.
  • Communications preferences: Facebook, Blackboard, Email, VUW website and posters.
  • Technology: Smartphone, Laptop, iPad – accesses Vic WIFI, looks at VUWSA FB, Blackboard, Emails, Overheard@Vic, Vic Trade/Exchange, VUW website, own Facebook page.
  • Has used the Victoria website to look for social and event info, service updates (support services, ITS), a specific support service and faculty information. However, she prefers social media, Blackboard and electronic noticeboards to using the website.
  • Social media: Facebook – Signed up to all the Vic FB pages she can, uses them a lot for assignment/test/course info, also for social events and general what’s going on info.

Tertiary education and career goals

To get a degree, but is unsure of her academic direction.

To experience as much as she can while at Victoria.

To find out her direction in life, and who she really is.

To grow her social networks as much as possible.

 Is passing, but not a top student. Parents are pressuring her to get excellent grades so she can get a good job

Information needs from Victoria