Subjects: Compare and contrast the two sources

Subjects: Compare and contrast the two sources

Based on the two contenders for the authoritative subject list I started to reconcile the two lists, noting differences and attempting to find ways to address these. For reasons listed on the parent subject page this analysis was abandoned prior to completion, but not before it was clear that we needed a new approach in which to ground our subject work.

Along the way I:

  • Created a new column for alternative terms, as the web subjects were mixed. Needs further thought and work, but the attribute is valuable.
  • Removed subjects that are either "not really subjects" (e.g. Postgraduate Education) or no longer subjects/taught. 
  • Added quite a few comments and questions

It is worth noting that there is an existing web page that attempts to map the subject codes to subject pages. While this proved useful to read it did not offer any insights on how to deal with those that do not map (in either direction).


Subject on webSubject CodeAlternative termCommentsDone
Accounting ACCY  y
Actuarial science (School of Maths)ACTS  y
Adult Literacy and Numeracy Edult Education, Has subject page, is studied in a Gdip Tchng Adult Lit. through the Faculty of Education, but has no subject code?y
Applied Physics PhysicsHas subject page, is major in BSc through School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, but has no subject codey
Architecture ARCI  y
Architecture History and Theory  Is this a subject or a specialisation of architecture?
Has subject page, is specialisation in BAS through School of Architecture, but has no subject code
 Art HistoryARTH  y
Asian StudiesASIA  y
BiologyBIOLBiological ScienceCalled Biology on web and Biological Science in publicationsy
Biomedical ScienceBMSC  y
BiotechnologyBTEC  y
·       Business Administration MBA, Masters of Busines Administration  
Cell and Molecular Bioscience  Has subject page, is major in BSc through School of Biological Sciences, but has no subject codey
ChemistryCHEM  y
ChineseCHIN  y
Classical Studies, Greek and LatinCLAS, GREE, LATIClassical Studies, Greek, LatinAre Greek and Latin the came (composite) subject, even though they have their own subject codes ?y
Classical PerformanceMUSCPerformace Music, Music y
Clinical ResearchCLNR I found the code on the web but it is not in the publication. Is this because it is PG?y
·       Commerce    
Commercial LawCOML  y
Communications StudiesCOMM PG and maybe only PhDy
CompositionCMPOMusic, Musical Composition y
Computer ScienceCOMP  y
Conservation Biology  I found the code on the web but it is not in the publication. Is this because it is PG?y
Creative WritingCREW  y
CriminologyCRIM  y
Culture+Context (Design)CCDNDesign y
Cultural AnthropologyANTHAnthropology y
·       Deaf Studies    
·       Design Innovation    
·       Development studies    
·       Early childhood studies    
·       Ecology and Biodiversity   y
·       e-Commerce    
·       Econometrics    
·       Economics    
·       Education    
·       Education and psychology    
·       Education Policy and Implementation    
·       Education Psychology and Pedagogy    
·       Electronic and Computer Systems    
·       Electronic and Computer Systems Engineering    
·       Engineering    
·       English literature    
·       Environmental Science    
·       Environmental Studies    
·       European Studies    
·       Film      
·       Finance    
·       French    
Forensic Psychology [listed by school but not in current list]   
·       Geography    
·       Geology    
·       Geophysics    
·       German    
·       Geographical Information Systems and Science    
·       Heritage Materials Science: see Heritage Materials Science   
·       History    
·       Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations   
Human Geo (? A postgrad under Geo but not in current list)   
·       Industrial Design    
·       Industrial Relations: see Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations  
·       Information Management  Has subject page, is major in MIM through School of Information Management, but has no subject code
Is this because it is PG? Is the code BBIS?
·       Information Studies    
·       Information Systems  Has subject page, is major in BCOM (and available in a BSc and BA) through School of Information Management, but has no subject code
Is the code BBIS?
·       Interior Architecture    
·       International Business    
·       International Relations: see Political Science and International Relations  
·       Italian    
·       Japanese    
·       Landscape Architecture    
·       LawLAWS  y
·       Library and Information Systems: see Information Management   
·       LinguisticsLINGApplied Linguistics y
·       Management    
·       Māori Business    
·       Māori, Pasifika and Indigenous Education Education, Māori, Pasifika and Indigenous y
·       Māori Studies Māori Resource Management y
·       Marine Biology  Has subject page, is major in BSc through School of Biological Sciences, but has no subject codey
·       Marketing    
·       Mathematics    
·       Media Design    
·       Media Studies    
·       Modern Language Studies    
·       Museum and Heritage Studies    
·       Music    
·       Network Engineering    
·       New Zealand Sign Language: see Deaf Studies    
·       New Zealand Studies    
·       Nursing, Midwifery and Health    
·       Operations Research    
·       Pacific Studies    
·       Philosophy    
·       Physical Geography    
·       Physics    
·       Political Science and International Relations    
·       Postgraduate Education    
·       Project Management    
·       Psychology    
·       Public Management    
·       Public Policy    
Petroleum geoscience [a postgrad but not in current list]    
·       Religious Studies    
·       Samoan Studies    
·       Second Language EducationALINTESOL, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Applied Linguistics y
·       Social Policy    
·       Sociology    
·       Software Engineering    
·       Spanish    
·       Statistics and Applied Statistics Applied Statistics, Statistics y
·       Strategic Studies    
·       Sustainable Engineering Systems    
·       Taxation    
·       Teacher Education (Early Childhood)    
·       Teacher Education (Primary and Secondary)    
·       Te Reo Māori: see Māori Studies    
·       Text Technologies    
·       Theatre    
·       Tourism Management    
·       Writing (Academic and Professional)    
·       Writing, Creative: see Creative Writing