Subjects: As-is in our publications

Subjects: As-is in our publications

The following is a list of subjects taken from the undergraduate study guide. It is possible to get the postgraduate list and that list is different (some subjects are taught at both levels, some at UG and not PG and some at PG and not UG). For reasons listed on the parent subject page this analysis was abandoned prior to completion, but not before it was clear that basing our subject work on this list was inappropriate.

The only other thing worth saying at this stage is that the purpose of this list is "explaining course codes" or at least the first four (alpha) characters. For example, if a future student reads of a course reference ACCY130 they can easily identify that this is an accounting course (and using the first digit a 100 level of first year of an undergraduate programme). Even more helpful if the code was QUAN which is econometrics.


Subject CodeSubject NameSubject Code and Name
ACCYAccountingACCY Accounting
ACTSActuarial ScienceACTS* Actuarial Science
ALINApplied Linguistics/Second Language Education/TESOLALIN Applied Linguistics/Second Language Education/TESOL
ANTHCultural AnthropologyANTH Cultural Anthropology
ARCIArchitectureARCI Architecture
ARTHArt HistoryARTH Art History
ASIAAsian StudiesASIA Asian Studies
BBISBusiness Information SystemsBBIS Business Information Systems
BILDBuilding ScienceBILD Building Science
BIOLBiological SciencesBIOL Biological Sciences
BMSCBiomedical ScienceBMSC Biomedical Science
BTECBiotechnologyBTEC Biotechnology
CCDNCulture+ContextCCDN Culture+Context
CHEMChemistryCHEM Chemistry
CHINChineseCHIN Chinese
CLASClassical StudiesCLAS Classical Studies
CMPOCompositionCMPO Composition
COMLCommercial LawCOML Commercial Law
COMMCommunications StudiesCOMM Communications Studies
COMPComputer ScienceCOMP Computer Science
CREWCreative WritingCREW Creative Writing
CRIMCriminologyCRIM Criminology
DEAFDeaf StudiesDEAF Deaf Studies
DSDNDesignDSDN Design
ECONEconomicsECON Economics
ECENElectronic and Computer Systems EngineeringECEN Electronic and Computer Systems Engineering
EDUCEducationEDUC Education
ENGLEnglish LiteratureENGL English Literature
ENGREngineeringENGR Engineering
ENSCEnvironmental ScienceENSC Environmental Science
ENVIEnvironmental StudiesENVI Environmental Studies
EPOLEducation Policy and ImplementationEPOL Education Policy and Implementation
EPSYEducational Psychology and PedagogyEPSY Educational Psychology and Pedagogy
ESCIEarth SciencesESCI Earth Sciences
EUROEuropean StudiesEURO European Studies
FCOMCommerce Faculty CourseFCOM Commerce Faculty Course
FEDUEducation Faculty CourseFEDU Education Faculty Course
FHSSHumanities and Social Sciences Faculty CourseFHSS Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty Course
FINAFinanceFINA Finance
FRENFrenchFREN French
GEOGGeographyGEOG Geography
GERMGermanGERM German
GPHSGeophysicsGPHS Geophysics
HISTHistoryHIST History
HRIRHuman Resource Management and Industrial RelationsHRIR Human Resource Management and Industrial
IBUSInternational BusinessIBUS International Business
INDNIndustrial DesignINDN Industrial Design
INFOInformation SystemsINFO Information Systems
INTAInterior ArchitectureINTA Interior Architecture
INTPInternational RelationsINTP International Relations
ITALItalianITAL Italian
IXDNInteraction DesignIXDN Interaction Design
JAPAJapaneseJAPA Japanese
KURAEducation—Māori, Pacific and IndigenousKURA Education—Māori, Pacific and Indigenous
LANDLandscape ArchitectureLAND Landscape Architecture
LINGLinguisticsLING Linguistics
MAORMāori StudiesMAOR Māori Studies
MARKMarketingMARK Marketing
MATHMathematicsMATH Mathematics
MBUSMāori BusinessMBUS Māori Business
MDDNMedia DesignMDDN Media Design
MDIAMedia StudiesMDIA Media Studies
MGMTManagementMGMT Management
NWENNetwork EngineeringNWEN Network Engineering
PASIPacific StudiesPASI Pacific Studies
PERFPerformance MusicPERF Performance Music
PHILPhilosophyPHIL Philosophy
PHYSPhysicsPHYS Physics
POLSPolitical SciencePOLS Political Science
PSYCPsychologyPSYC Psychology
PUBLPublic PolicyPUBL Public Policy
QUANEconometricsQUAN Econometrics
RELIReligious StudiesRELI Religious Studies
SACSSocial and Cultural StudiesSACS Social and Cultural Studies
SAMOSamoan Studies/Fa’asāmoaSAMO Samoan Studies/Fa’asāmoa
SARCArchitectural StudiesSARC Architectural Studies
SCIEScience in ContextSCIE Science in Context
SOSCSociologySOSC Sociology
SPANSpanishSPAN Spanish
SPOLSocial PolicySPOL Social Policy
STATStatisticsSTAT Statistics
SWENSoftware EngineeringSWEN Software Engineering
TAXNTaxationTAXN Taxation
TECHTechnologyTECH Technology
THEATheatreTHEA Theatre
TOURTourism ManagementTOUR Tourism Management
TXTTText TechnologiesTXTT Text Technologies
WRITWriting (Academic and Professional)WRIT Writing (Academic and Professional)