PG programme About tab - draft content elements

PG programme About tab - draft content elements

Here's an initial suggestion for what content elements we need where on the About tab. The MBA About tab draft content page shows the type of content each element might contain.

It's based on the UG pages, the PG user story WIP-591, common content on existing PG pages and the research we've done so far into PG requirements.

You can also see a bigger list of potential elements to check if anything's missing.


Programme name or Programme family


'Master of Arts' or 'Master of Business Administration and related programmes/qualifications'


One sentence introducing and promoting the degree

Programme overview heading

Key marketing message(s)

Programme overview

2-4 paragraphs covering:

  • What you'll study
  • Why you should study the programme at Victoria

Qualification options (added 30/05/16)

(Optional, only for integrated families)

Might follow the same design pattern as the AoS > About tab 'Subjects' bullet list

List of the qualifications you can enroll in within the integrated family.

Video, slideshow or photo


Video etc heading

Embedded YouTube video, slideshow

At a glance summaries (one per qualification)

  • Duration: Range in trimesters from probably minimum number if full-time to permitted maximum if part-time
  • Cost: Domestic student fees: $xxxx – this doesn’t cover student levies or course-related costs like text books or the international study trip / International student fees [link: https://www.victoria.ac.nz/international/applying/cost-calculator]
  • Start: trimester or date if more applicable, including "any"
  • Applications close: Date or "standard trimester closing dates". Note if applications for current year have closed.
  • Type of study: Coursework/research/both/other (e.g. performance, practical)
  • Get entry through: Entry requirements (so we can flag when professional experience can get you in as well as/instead of a UG degree)
  • Where you study: Campus, city/Distance/Online
  • Part time options available: Y/N/part time only (each qualification in a programme may have different part time availability)
  • Study while you work: Y/N plus description of how course lets your do this: part time, evening or weekend courses, intensive blocks, distance, online, modular (not sure what modular means)
  • Level(s): PhD/Doctorate, Master’s, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate, Hons, Graduate Diploma, Graduate Certificate (this could help to convey at-a-glance if the programme is a family of qualifications, and/or this might be done using a simple graphic that shows it's an integrated family)
  • Professional programme: Y (the jury's out on whether we need this)

(Some of these can use controlled vocabularies, some will need free text (we may want an optional free text element for all for caveats etc.) 

Should we do the At a glance at 'family' level of qualification level? What I've done above and for MBA is actually a mix. Can we isolate elements that will span all qualifications in a family and have those at family level and have those that vary at qualification level?)

Important information

Information crucial to someone considering the degree, info that might make or break someone's decision to do it. Get content from Paul's work in confluence, reword to direct address: https://victoriauniversity.atlassian.net/wiki/display/WIP/Requirements+of+PG+programmes
The material that doesn't make it to here can go on Requirements tab.

Study while you work


More detail than in At a glance overview

Part time options

How you learn

More detail on the type of study and how the programme is taught.

What you'll study

How the programme is structured, what you'll study when (by year or trimester for example), how the courses are grouped, a summary of what the courses cover.



Could be a standard block summarising the average or expected workload based on the number of points of each course.

Research topics and supervisors


Could link to/list:

  • staff teaching the programme with capacity to supervise research
  • suggested research topics
  • previous research topics

PhD proposals


Standard content block for PhD and doctoral programmes linking to advice and resources on putting together a PhD proposal.



Roles the programme sets you up for

Registration, or steps towards registration achieved

Potential earnings boost, advancement opportunities

How the family of programmes is structured


Information about nesting/stepping stones/stair-casing/articulation

We could display a more detailed graphic here, perhaps specifying the differences between each qualification (entry requirements, duration/number of points you need to do etc).


Usually a standard block with link

Other ways to finance your study


Including things like research assistant or tutor roles available.

For professional programmes (designed to be studied while you work in a related role) it could include a suggestion that employers may contribute to study costs.


Content will vary based on international switcher.

Could be a standard note about how fees are calculated and what they do and don't cover.

Further study

Information about study options that lead on from the programme.


Why Wellington

Need to decide how this is handled and if it's necessary, given that most postgraduate students are Vic returnees (3,800 last year vs. 589 new to Vic). We could have it as an optional standard block if people turn on International. This wouldn’t capture kiwi students from other Unis though.

Find out more


International switcher

Domestic: Nominated programme contact details

International: [link to https://www.victoria.ac.nz/international/contact]



Brochures etc

Area of study [link]

Faculty [link] and school [link]

Information for people new to or returning to study [link to: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/course-career/mature-students]

Course planning [link to: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/course-career/appointments]

Financing your study [link to: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/student-finance]