PG programme content element list
PG programme content element list
This is a list of potential content elements for the PG programme pages/app.
It's based on the UG elements plus additions specific to PG that have come out of the PG User story WIP-591, checking existing Vic PG pages, other NZ university PG pages, analytics and discussions with staff about PG student user needs.
It's only roughly structured (based on UG pages) and isn't in priority order.
I figure it can help us decide things like which content elements:
- we need
- in which order
- on which tabs
- we don't need (or won't be able to source in time)
- might be best left on faculty/school pages
- should be standard blocks
- will be useful metadata
Potential content elements
- Title
- Intro
- Apply/application process
- Programme/degree overview
- Why the degree (marketing/recruitment content)
- Video, photo or slideshow
- People/story quotes
- At a glance
- Available subjects
- Duration (number of trimesters (including a range) if full time)
- Starting trimester (or date if more applicable, including "any")
- Applications close-off date (or "standard trimester closing dates")
- Cost (indicative (so either range or most recent finalised figure), programme level including student fees, probably domestic and international)
- Delivery method (including "proportion by distance" to allow for filtering)
- Locations (Auckland, Wellington to campus level, maybe distance learning as a location)
- Composition (coursework, research, either, both)
- Part time option available Y/N (or will this often require more detail?)
- Study while you work scheduling? Blocks and/or evening courses
- Nesting/staircase: part of and/or made up of
- Professional programme Y/N
- Level(s) (Hons, Graduate Certificate, Postgraduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Postgraduate Diploma, Masters, PhD/Doctorate) – similar to metadata level
- Area of study
- Faculty
- School
- Important information
- Programme structure/What you study, and when
- Timetable
- Part time study options/information
- Workload
- Information for people new to or returning to study
- Further study/leads to
- Scholarships
- Other ways to finance study (programme-related jobs like tutor, research assistant plus links to Jobseeker’s Allowances, Student job search for summer jobs, employer might pay for prof progs?)
- Research/thesis information, especially including topic/supervisor suggestions [optional]
- PhD proposal advice (programme-specific and/or link to general PhD proposal info) [optional]
- Assessment
- Fees
- Careers
- Contact
- Find out more
- Related programmes/qualifications
- How they’re related (nesting/staircasing)
- Information specific to each programme
- Why Victoria
- Requirements
- Entry requirements
- Programme/degree requirements
- Courses
- Important information
- Subjects you can study
- Introduction
- Subject requirements
People and stories
- Metadata
- Description
- HTML title
- Programme code
- Level(s)
- Length of full time study
Length of full time study secondary info
Estimated yearly course fees
- Selected at-a-glance elements above
, multiple selections available,