2016-05-16 Music PG Marketing meeting

2016-05-16 Music PG Marketing meeting




Meeting to discuss the activities NZSM already do, or would like to do, to market their programmes and how the project can support these. 

Discussion items

Marketing Activities
  • Most marketing is for the UG programme, there is some that would cover both but there is none specifically targeted at PG.
  • Marketing - print ads in the competition programmes
Source of PG students
  • working with current students
  • other Universities
    • a challenge for them is they have fewer scholarships than other Universities, especially specialist ones. Our Music students compete against all the other students in the University for PhD and MA scholarships.
PG Areas of strength

These need to be confirmed by Robert once he has talked to his PG Programme people.

  • Voice - win a good number of international standard competitions
  • Composition
  • Music Therapy - is the only one in NZ, unsure if by International standards it is an area of strength
Unique proposition

list of accolades - needs to be quantified

  • international competition winners
  • number of grants received
  • showring in Lexus Song Quest
  • best in PBRF for Music
Students pain points
  • Doctoral pathway - there are two doctoral degrees (DMA & PhD) and students aren't clear on what they should take
    • DMA
      • creative output in composition and performance is how they are measured.
      • non subsidised for International students
    • PhD
      • any creative work they do must support their Doctoral thesis
      • subsidised for International so some students whose goals more suit the DMA try and reshape their goals to fit a PhD.
  • Routes to a PHD
    • PG Dip and MMA don't lead to a PhD.
  • Confirmation - at the end of the first year they need to do a presentation to confirm they can go on. This is more of a literal pain point than students not understanding this is a requirement
    • DMA from this month nolonger have to do a presentation they can submit a written document.
PG Application process
  • internal don't have the audition but do need a B+ or better
  • External - have to audition but can submit a recording
UG Student Selection
  • Auditions

    • auditions are what UG students ask about (and worry about) the most at Information evenings
    • there is comprehensive information on their site but potentially the language could be softened - http://www.nzsm.ac.nz/study-careers/audition
    • the audition date is prior to the application date for Victoria
    • the need to audition is a turn off for students and they may decide not to put themselves forward because they fear the process. It would be good to have some reassuring content around the audition.
    • If they fail the audition generally they are told they aren't quite ready but to reapply next trimester
  • according to the calendar there are no limits to numbers, so if someone is eligible they should get in
  • however, there is a need to balance the performance groups for some areas e.g. Jazz. They generally don't turn students away but it is problematic for the school as they may need to bring in students from other years or pay professionals to participate in performance. This can be very expensive particularly for orchestral concerts.
  • if people have a instrument the school doesn't teach they pay a professional to come in and teach that students - again this isn't great for the bottom line.