2016-06-07 PG Professional Content Approach Meeting notes

2016-06-07 PG Professional Content Approach Meeting notes




Alida Steemson (Unlicensed)


Finalise the content strategy for PG Professional programmes

PG programme draft content strategy

  • Better labels for headings and tabs (including your already-noted concerns about labeling family pages by the highest qualification)
  • Issues with the way the content is broken down (e.g. instances where it’s not clear what goes where)
  • Clearer or better descriptions of the rules for deciding what goes in what tab
  • Better descriptions of what goes in each element (so we can chuck ‘em into Gather)
  • What do we do with the new TBC tab? Is it needed, if so, what should it be called, does it have the right elements or should some go on About or Requirements?

Discussion items


About Tab

At a glancePaul
  • Keep at a glance but remove the heading and abbreviations
  • Put the 'at a glance' under the programme overview on the main body of the page
Important information on first pageNickThis isn't needed on this page as a block anything important will already be elsewhere.
WorkloadGabeThinks that it would be good for people to see much sooner what the workload is. Argument against workload is that it is the same for all and putting it too soon might be offputting. Decision to put this in the content - or could it be on homesite for the returning students information.

6 of these could be a the same wording - some will be unique e.g. MBA, MPA. - Paul

Is it too much information to read around if you want to do the Cert instead of the Masters? - Gabe

Naming of pageGabe

Should it be called 'Business Administration postgraduate qualifications'

This won't work where the MA has a major with the same name as a professional programme e.g. Information Management. The current approach is to use Masters as the main qual if publication covers.

Will stick with current approach including adding 'and related qualficiations'. If this doesn't work we will look at other options.

Why WellingtonNick

Shouldn't rigidly need to be Wellington but this should be available where they are only taught in Wellington. Otherwise a flexible block that can cover the advantage of it being taught in Auckland or in both centres.

Important this is there for International students.

Programmes tab

More details about benefitsPaul

More details about the benefits where those benefits are planning based - doesn't need to be explicity put in template.

Paul - thinks benefits should be one the About tab.

Decision - extrapolate out benefits that may have been mentioned on the About tab

How you'll learn / What you'll studyAlidaMerge these two bits of content. Keep this information as an overarching statement
Part time options / Study whiile you workAlidaPotentially merge these two sections.

Estimated programme total or annual total?

Do we have an extra block of text? Could have it briefly and push through to more detail onto homesite.

Do we put all of the cost related blocks together e.g. fees, scholarships, how to finance your study.

Decision: Fees shouldn't be a separate block, at a glance should go through to homesite page

Decision: Scholarships and Finance you study should be merged and moved to the About page as it is a marketing message.

Study while you workNickWill be a seperate block


Out of scope of this meeting: pathways into programmes

30 minutes going through individual content elements

  • Better labels for headings and tabs
  • Issues with the way the content is broken down (e.g. it’s not clear what goes where, elements in the wrong order on a tab, or on the wrong tab)
  • Clearer or better descriptions of the rules for deciding what goes in what tab
  • Better descriptions of what goes in each element (for the Gather template ‘scope notes’)
  • Any other issues or ideas

15 minutes finalising tabs, focussing on the biggie

5 minutes on what does not go in programme pages

Questions we need answered

  1. The biggie: What do we do with the TBC tab? As specified in the content strategy.
  • Is it needed, if so, what should it be called, does it have the right elements or should some go on About or Requirements? How do we define what goes where?
  1. Does the strategy need to address the big domestic=part-time/study while you work vs. international=full-time/get through asap split for professional programmes? No
  2. Heading for families: named after the highest qualification (Master’s usually) or not. If not, do we make an exception for the MBA? Stick with this for now
  3. Have we covered off the research recommendation about stepping stones? Are there instances when there are stepping stones that aren't part of explicit nested families (COPs?)? Sometimes it may be possible to spell stuff out, other times students should speak to staff. Need to decide when we leave it for conversations. Too specific or detailed for web content, needs to be a conversation.
  4. Anything else in the research people don’t feel has been covered? No.
  5. What are our rules for what current content should not go on the programme pages?
  1. Any rules for what goes on AoS not PG programme pages? No.
  2. Which should be standard content blocks? As specified in the content strategy.
  3. Should Information for people new to or returning to study [link to: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/course-career/mature-students] be more prominent than just the footer? (Especially for VBS professional programmes, where a lot of people are returning and need reassurance). Yes
  4. Do the user-focussed plain language headings work? (e.g. How you’ll learn). They're OK

Alida’s questions

Didn’t like the fact the heading specifies the Masters.

Will we have overlap between the marketing messages/why you should study the programme and those for the AoS? Do we need rules to avoid this? Or does it not matter because not so many PG students will use the AoS pathway and those that don’t need to get all the marketing messages?

Didn’t know what was needed for the About > How the family of programmes is structured element (Information about nesting/stepping stones/stair-casing/articulation)

Was unclear on the differences between What you’ll study (structure) and How you’ll learn (delivery/composition).

For the Study while you work (required contact time) element she noted that for MAF we’d have to write the content from scratch. Noted that contact time can be covered in How you learn.

Felt that Part time options was the same as Study while you work

Noted that there was no information for the (optional) other ways to finance your study block which would need to be researched and written from scratch

Action items
