Topics: UG Stories & Images

Topics: UG Stories & Images


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryMichelle LuVBS handbook 2016 pg 22  project folder


Undergraduate StoryLouis RichVBS handbook 2015 pg 25  Was not approved by School and story was removed.project folder Yes
Undergraduate Story Arthur Elliot-JonesName given by School: Marita Lotz,OriginalApproved.
Jolene Williams from Comms contacted him and wrote story and got it approved. elliotarth@myvuw.ac.nzYes
Undergraduate storyGeorgia Allen VBS handbook 2016 pg 24  project folder Yes
Graduate Story       
Lecturer StoryLisa Marriott     Waiting on story 


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Postgraduate StorySarah LystlundFHSS handbook, 2016 p.61N project folder Yes
Graduate StoryKate YesbergCareerView http://www.victoria.ac.nz/st_services/careers/pdf/career-view/career-view-cultural-anthropology-and-sociology-web.pdfYes (Chunks removed, not rewritten)YesProject Folder  
Lecturer Story       


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryJoe Batchelor GUS 2015  project folder Yes
Graduate StoryDavid Sullivan

FAD handbook 2015 pg 43

  project folder Yes
Lecturer StoryDerek Kawiti

Provided by Kristen, comms advisor for A&D

   project folder Yes
Lecturer StoryMarc Aurel Schnabel

Provided by Kristen, comms advisor for A&D

 Not usedproject folder Yes
Stand alone quoteJesse Ewert FAD Handbook 2016 pg 20yes, by Joanna project folder Yes
Stand alone quoteHamish Beattie FAD Handbook 2016 pg 21     
Stand alone quoteCharlotte Hughes-HallettFAD Handbook 2016  pg32  project folder Yes
Stand alone quoteGiorgio D'ausilioFAD Handbook 2016  pg33  project folder Yes
Stand alone quote

Serena Lousich

FAD Handbook 2016  pg40  project folder Yes


Art History


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryElle WrightFHSS Handbook 2016 p20  project folder Yes
Graduate StoryMorgan AshworthCareerView: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/st_services/careers/pdf/career-view/career-view-art-history-web.pdfYes (removed chunks, not rewritten)yesproject folderSince Morgan is in our team I have asked her to approve story and supply image (or we can get her shot by Image Services). 
Graduate StoryGeraldine DaiMHST website: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sacr/study/student-profiles/museum-heritage-student-profiles#GeriYes (removed chunks, very gentle editing to one or two awkward sentences)  I have asked Conal the SME who can organise sign off of the story and for a larger image. - jane 
Lecturer StoryMissing    

NB: may not be needed as Sarah had initially missed out MHST...

We don't have a lecturer story but Sarah has recommended Roger Blackley—he’s outgoing, widely published, and I’m sure would have lots of great stuff to say. Also one of my fave lecturers from my honours year.



Asian Languages and Cultures


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryHarrison Gibb-Faumuina FHSS handbook 2016 pg 48  project folder Yes
Graduate StoryWenwen LiuFHSS handbook 2016 pg 45Was in 3rd person with one quote. Changed a few sentences to 1st person quotes to fit style. Only on P&S page. project folder Yes
Lecturer StoryEmerald KingFHSS handbook 2016 pg 44Was in 3rd person with one quote. Changed a few sentences to 1st person quotes to fit style. Only on P&S page. project folder Yes


Biological Sciences


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryMaddy ParkerKnow Your mind     
Graduate StoryAlistair Brown Know Your Mind     
Lecturer StoryDr David Ackerley

 Content sourced from Annes interview and the newsy bits on the Vic website.

Possible pic from here: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/news/victorious/2014/spring-2014/revolutionary-cancer-treatment

(ask comms to help get original files)



Biomedical Sciences


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryJodie ChandlerGus pg 57  project folder Yes
Graduate StoryNatasha DonaldsonFaculty of Science/study/student profiles  http://imageservices.shootproof.com/gallery/29248Donaldson/home Yes
Lecturer StoryProfessor Anne La Flamme

New profile, created by Anne N during interview.

Yes, approved by Anne La Flamme project folder Yes
Stand alone quoteDavid Young

Can't find where Anne got this profile from.

There is a full story in the one drive topic pages Anne wrote

  http://imageservices.shootproof.com/gallery/30903Young/home Yes


Building Science


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryElzine Braasch 

FS Handbook 2016 pg 49

  project folder Yes
Graduate Story

Lauren McKay



  project folder Yes
Lecturer StoryGuy Marriage Provided by Kristen, comms advisor for A&D  project folder Yes

Quote in Project Management

Esther-Grace Reid   project folder Yes




WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryEmma WrigglesworthGPG 2016 pg 21  project folder Yes
Graduate Story

Martin Heeley

FS handbook 2015 pg 39  project folder Yes
Lecturer StoryDr Robert Keyzers

Victoria News pg 7


Lecturer StoryJustin HodgkissNot usedn/an/aproject folder Yes



WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate Story       
Postgraduate StoryJaimee MurdochFHSS handbook 2016 p20No project foldet - may not be suitable Yes
Graduate StoryDr Jo Wynell-MayowCareer View http://www.victoria.ac.nz/st_services/careers/pdf/career-view/career-view-classics-web.pdfSubstantially pruned. No changes to existing sentences.YesProject folder Yes
Lecturer Story       


Computer Graphics

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate Story       
Graduate Story       
Postgraduate storyAndrew ChalmersFS handbook 2016 pg 47Yes 

project folder

Andrew Chalmers

Edit has been approved by Andrew Chalmers.Yes
Postgraduate storyKieran CarnegieFE handbook 2016 pg 40Yes, content approved by Kieran 

project folder



Lecturer Story

Taehyun Rhee

Not sure of the source for his story, have to check with Sarah.

(Sarah:) This is cobbled together from his staff profile and this story: https://ecs.victoria.ac.nz/Main/Entertainmentatyourfingertips


Stand alone quoteRichard RobertsGPG 2016 pg 19  

project folder




Creative writing


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate Story       
Graduate Story       
Lecturer Story       



WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate Story       
Graduate Story       
Lecturer Story       


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryRobbie Fordyce Know Your Mind     
People pagePatrick Kauraka   project folder Yes
Graduate StoryHolly Bradshaw FAD handbook 2016 pg 86  project folder Yes
Lecturer StoryAnne Niemetz 

Provided by Kristin

  project folder Yes
Stand alone quoteProfessor Doug Easterly    project folder Yes
Stand alone quoteScott Brebner Know Your Mind     
Stand alone quoteSaint Andrew Matautia FAD handbook 2016 pg 90   project folder Yes
Stand alone quoteHannah Faesenkloet FAD handbook 2015 pg 90   project folder Yes
Stand alone quote on

Culture+Context Design

Georgina Rodie   project folder Yes

Development Studies

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryStella IvoryMyVictoria story which Natalie Hampshire then edited for us to make a single story. We may also end up with a videoyesyesproject folder Yes
Undgraduate StoryGenna BoyleFS handbook 2015 pg 15  project folder

request the image you want to use


Graduate StoryJunior Ulu

VUW careers publication pg 6


yesyesProject folder Yes
Lecturer StoryProfessor John Overton

Written from interview so will have to be approved.

Also he says has some photos we can use - some of his own and some from others that he will have to ask permission to use.


Earth Sciences

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryJesse KearseFS handbook 2016 pg 31  project folder Yes
Undergraduate StoryHamish HirschbergFS handbook 2015 pg 38  project folder Yes
Quote onlyJuliet Sefton

FS handbook 2015, pg 43

   Asked Stephen 
Lecturer StoryJames CramptonFS handbook 2015 pg 45  project folder Yes
Lecturer StoryProf Martha Savage

John Townend has suggested including Martha as she is the first female professor in physical sciences,

Fellow of RSNZ and American Geophysical Union, supervisor of many students.


Economics and Finance

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryPhoebe Sparrow 

VBS handbook 2015 pg 26

  project folder Yes
Graduate StoryWilly Makea 

VBS handbook 2015 pg 27

  project folder Yes
Lecturer StoryRobert Kirkby 

VBS handbook 2016 pg 29

  project folder Yes
Stand alone quoteRatheshan Manickaratnam VBS handbook 2016 pg 29   project folder Yes
Stand alone quoteDr Adrian Slack VBS handbook 2015 pg 27   project folder Yes
Stand alone quoteNathan Tse Gus pg 70-71   project folder Yes


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryHine Rangi Marie Funaki2016 FHSS Handbook page 97No    
Graduate StorySera Tokakece



No (but she works at Vic if we want to get it updated)    
Lecturer StoryDr Bronwyn Wood Victorious, Issue 1, 2016, page 11Yes. Only parts of story used. Some quotes and sentences tightened.    

Educational Psychology

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryHolly McLeodhttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/education/study/profile/individual-profile/holly-mcleodYes, removed some material not relevant to these pages.    
Postgraduate StoryKatie AllanFaculty of Education handbook 2016 p21No project folder Yes
Lecturer StoryMatt McCruddenhttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/education/study/profile/staff-profile#mattNo    
Postgraduate StoryNicole MincherFaculty of Education handbook 2016 p24Yes, removed final paragraph project folder Yes
Postgraduate StoryMatt SheerinFaculty of Education handbook 2016 p24No project folder Yes

Electronics and Computer Systems

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryHolly Ade-SimpsonVictoria/study/why-victoria/our-students - KYM  


If this image isn't suitable there should be a KYM image that will work.

Undergraduate StoryDaniel TomicekVictoria/study/why-victoria/our-students - KYM  http://www.victoria.ac.nz/its/image-services/VUW_image_library/25888_eng/index_4.htm
Standalone quoteLohit Perikamhttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/documents/publications/fen-handbook.pdf - page 21  In project folder Yes
Graduate Story       
Lecturer StoryProfessor Dale Carnegie

Seems to be sourced from various different places,

decent photo in staff profile.

Yes, wasn't approved has been rewritten. Waiting on Sarah's feedback. 

The problem included has been suggested (link below) but there are also two images in the Engineering folder which should be considered as they are more recent.



Stand alone quoteTessa PhillipsStory in one drive doc, can't find source for story. not approved Has been removed. 

English Literature

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryCaoilinn Hughes
FHSS Handbook 2015 pg 16
 Not approved, this has been replaced.project folder -Yes-
Undergraduate Story

Alistair Murray

Bachelor of Arts in Honours student in English

Will be used in this years 2017 FHSS Handbook - this needs to be approved by Alastair and we need an image. Melissa Gough will get these for us.YesYes


Graduate StoryBevan Holloway
http://www.victoria.ac.nz/st_services/careers/pdf/career-view/career-view-english-web.pdfYes, substantial pruningNot approved, this has been replaced.   
Graduate StoryHolly HunterUnsure, we are asking if we can approach Holly directly as she works for VUP - waiting to hear from Kathryn Wall, - JaneNoNo - does not want us to use her story Waiting on Kathryn Wall 
Lecturer StoryLydia Wevers

FHSS Handbook 2015 pg 68

With some material from http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/2014/11/26/2014-pou-aronui-award-an-ambassador-for-new-zealand-literature-and-the-arts/

  project folder Yes
Lecturer StoryNikki Hessell

Supplied by Faculty


  Could profile image be used? http://www.victoria.ac.nz/search?q=Nikki+Hessell&site=people_search_collection Yes

Environmental Sciences

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryPeter Edwards FS handbook 2015 pg 30  project folder Yes
Undergraduate StoryShanna Rose FS handbook 2015 pg 30  project folder Yes
Graduate Story       
Lecturer StoryWokje AbrahamseFS handbook 2015 pg 44  project folder Yes

European Languages and Cultures

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryEmily MwilaFHSS Handbook 2015 pg 7  project folder Yes
Graduate StoryLorenz Wrighthttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/st_services/careers/pdf/career-view/career-view-languages-and-cultures-web.pdf Yesproject folder Yes
Lecturer StoryMarco SonzogniFHSS Handbook 2016Was in 3rd person. Changed a few sentences to 1st person quotes to fit style. project folder 


Extra Undergraduate storyRebecca BinkhorstFHSS website: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/slc/study/study-abroad-for-language-learnersYes, changed to sentence-quote-sentence-quote format. Moved some quotes around to get the good stuff at the top. SME said edits don't need approval - Sarah Walton email 3/5/2016Yes

In project folder



WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryNicole BaresFS handbook 2016 pg 29  project folder Yes
Graduate Story       
Lecturer Story       
Research Fellow StoryDr Brian Andersonhttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/news/2013/southern-alps-glaciers-in-state-of-rapid-changeYes    


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate Story       
Graduate Story       
Lecturer Story       


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate Story       
Graduate StoryJay Eden



Yes, shortenedNo, this is 10 years out of date and he does not want it used   
Lecturer StoryArini LoaderFHSS handbook 2016, p38No project folder Yes
TXTT quote image onlyCharlotte DarlingFHSS handbook 2016, p87  Linguistics project folderUsed in Linguistics tooYes

Human Resources & Industrial Relations

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryRosie McCarthySchool Of Management/study/student profiles   Don't use this story 
Undergraduate StoryCharissa FrancisUndergraduate content  http://imageservices.shootproof.com/gallery/27616_Francis/We can use this storyYes
Graduate StoryLaura FeatherstoneEspecially written by Jolene Williams by request of the Schoolyesyesproject folder yes
Lecturer StoryNoelle DonnellyComms and Marketingyesyes
Let Jolene know if image is incorrect size and she will provide another.Yes
Stand alone quoteKallie French Know Your Mind 2016     

Information Systems

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryLaura Arteaga 

VBS handbook 2016 pg 36

Yes project folder Yes
Graduate StoryKyle Gibson 

School of information Management/study and careers/postgraduate study/

Master of Information Management/graduate profiles 


Yes project folder

Gabe Ryan (Unlicensed) I couldn't find this graduate profile on this page


Do you know where it came from?

Jane Young (Unlicensed) It looks like it's from here - http://www.victoria.ac.nz/vbs/study-careers/publications/MIM.pdf


Lecturer StoryYi-Te Chiu VBS handbook 2016 pg 37  project folder Yes
Stand alone quoteJared Davidson 

School of information Management/study and careers/postgraduate study/

Master of Information Studies/graduate profiles


  project folder Yes

Innovation and Commercialisation

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate Story       
Graduate Story       
Lecturer Story       

International Relations and Politics

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryJosh Wrighthttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/why-victoria/our-students/joshYes, some information removed    
Undergraduate StoryHagen Neumegenhttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/knowyourmind/hagenNo    
Post-graduate StoryAlex DicksonFHSS handbook 2016 p.41No    
Graduate StoryHannah van VoorthuysenCareer View: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/st_services/careers/pdf/career-view/career-view-political-science-and-international-relations-web.pdfYes, some information removedYesproject folder Yes
Lecturer Story       

Language Teaching

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryTiffany Stengerhttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/lals/study/student-profilesChanged first sentence to third person.    
Graduate StoryMae Lewishttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/lals/study/student-profilesNo    
Lecturer StoryShelley DawsonDraft of 2017 FHSS handbook

Subject to approval as part of handbook process.

Added "as a language teacher" to first quote. Shelley works at Victoria.



WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryDaniella SchroderFL handbook 2016 pg 11  project folder Yes
Undergraduate StoryPurcell SaliFL handbook 2016 pg 30  project folder Yes
Graduate Story       
Lecturer StoryGuy Fiti SinclairFL handbook 2016 pg 16  project folder Yes


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryClement MackayFHSS handbook 2016, p57no project folder Yes
Graduate StoryShota MukaiFHSS handbook 2016, p57no    
Lecturer StoryMiriam MeyerhoffFHSS handbook 2015, p48no project folder Yes
TXTT quote image onlyCharlotte DarlingFHSS handbook 2016, p87  project folder

Jane Young (Unlicensed) new addition, adding to History too

Graduate StoryJay WoodhamsNewly writtenYesYesproject folder Yes
Postgraduate StoryBianca VowellNewly wirttenYesYesproject folder Yes

Literary Translation

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate Story       
Graduate Story       
Lecturer Story       


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryAndrew Quinlivan 

School of Management/study/profiles


  project folder Yes
Undergraduate StoryEmma Weenink 

VBS handbook 2015, pg 39

  project folder Yes
Graduate StoryAndrew Jackson 

School of Management/study/profiles


Lecturer Story       

Māori Studies

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate story Jacob McGregorFHSS handbook 2017Added subhead Contact Melissa Gough  
Graduate StoryAni EparaimaMaori a Victoria http://www.victoria.ac.nz/maori-at-victoria/tauira-hou/student-stories/ani-eparaimaslightly to shorten 
Ani Eparaima
Graduate StoryMikaia Leachhttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/maori/study/student-profilesAdded sub headings 
Mikaia Leach at Parliament
Lecturer StoryProfessor Peter Addshttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/maori-at-victoria/ako/maori-teacher-profiles/associate-professor-peter-addsAdded sub heads 
Peter Adds

Marketing and International Business

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryTheo de Monchy Why Choose Vic/meet our students  project folder Yes
Undergraduate StoryKallie French Know Your Mind 2016     
Undergraduate StoryMathew Rex 

VBS handbook 2015 pg 44

  project folder Yes
Graduate Story       
Lecturer Story       

Mathematics and Statistics

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryNavin Patel

FS Handbook 2016 p 35

yes project folderEdits are removing sentences only, not changing anything.Yes
Graduate StorySyafiq IkhwanFS Handbook 2015 p57yes project folderEdits are removing sentences only, not changing anything. Yes

Lecturer Story

Stefanka ChukovaFS Handbook 2016 p37no project folder Yes

Stand alone quote

(so far, may be a story)

Fatimah Mohamad TabaraniFS handbook 2015 pg 53  project folder Yes
Stand alone quoteSam OlivecronaFS handbook 2015 pg 54  project folder Yes

Media and Film

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryStephen HayFHSS handbook 2017Sub heads added    
Graduate Story       
Lecturer StoryAnita BradyFHSS handbook 2015Subheads added project folder Yes
Lecturer storyDr. Alfio LeottaFHSS handbook 2017subheads added    


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryStephen Clothier2016 HBno    
Graduate StoryEmma SanfordSarah Smytheyesyesin project folder  
Graduate StoryMelissa Cross2016 HBno    
Lecturer StoryRobert LeggInterview and 2016 HByes/noyes   

Networking and Security

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryMichael BairdFE handbook 2016 pg 24Yes, some pruning project folderNolonger using this student as he never completed.Yes
Undergraduate StoryAlex DengFE handbook 2016 pg 26Yes, some pruning

Yes, but with update to qual

Master of Engineering student in Network Engineering

project folder Yes
Graduate Story       
Lecturer StoryProfessor Dale Carnegie

Seems to be sourced from various different places,

decent photo in staff profile.

yes, shared with Electronics,has been rewritten, waiting on writer approval.

The problem included has been suggested (link below) but there are also two images in the Engineering folder which should be considered as they are more recent.


Stand alone quoteBrian NgCan't find source of quotes Yes, by Bryan Ngproject folder Yes

New Zealand Sign Language

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate Story       
Graduate Story       
Lecturer Story       

Pacific Cultures and Languages

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryEmily FatuFHSS hand bokk 2015 pg 69Yes (Small changes) project folder Yes
Graduate StoryLe'aysalilo Sadat Muaiava

FHSS hand book 2016 pg 73

Student profile http://www.victoria.ac.nz/pasifika/study/profiles

two stories combined and edited project folder Yes
Lecturer StoryTeresia TeaiwaFHSS hand book 2016 pg 72Combined interview notes with Handbook story. project folder Yes


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StorySophia EnrightCobbled together from Faculty Handbook :http://www.victoria.ac.nz/documents/publications/fhss-handbook.pdf and Guide to Undergraduate study http://www.victoria.ac.nz/documents/publications/gus-section-2-degree-and-major-requirements.pdfYes, have substantially reordered and tweaked    
Graduate StorySam Gaskin



Some material removed from original.Yesproject folder Yes
Lecturer Story       


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryAleksa DjorovicFS handbook 2016 pg 25  project folder Yes
Graduate StoryDr Annette Koo



 YesProject folder Yes
Lecturer StoryDr Franck NataliProvided by Megan Sellars . Original in One drive reviewed and signed off by Franck, photo included.     
Stand alone quoteHamish HirschbergFS handbook 2015 pg 38   project folder Yes
SlideshowNobel Prize Medal


Former Victoria student Alan MacDiarmid's 2000 Nobel Prize medal for Chemistry is displayed in the building where you'll study. It inspires staff and students alike toward greatness.

  Waiting on images services  


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StorySam DuffyFS HB 2016no project folder Yes
Graduate StoryTadhg DalyFS HB 2015no project folder Yes
Lecturer StoryDierdre BRownFS HB 2016no project folder Yes
 Radhika Patel-Cornish      

Public Policy and Government

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StorySusan Jacobs VBS HB 2016 Yes, used selections project folder Yes
Graduate StoryCarly Soo Career View - Public Policy and Management Yes, used selectionsYes, with minor changeproject folder  
Lecturer StoryValentina Dinica VBS HB 2016 Yes, used selections project folder Yes
Graduate StoryHeather McDonald http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sacs/study/student-profiles/social-policy Yes, used selections    
Undergraduate StoryCameron Vanisselroy http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sog/study/student-profiles Yes, used selections https://ImageServices.shootproof.com/gallery/27615Vannisselroy Yes

Religious Studies

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryJoshua Parsons

Proposed content for 2017 FHSS handbook




You can choose from the following images - if you make the image large you can see the number above it.


Graduate StoryAnushka PerinpanayagamCareerView http://www.victoria.ac.nz/st_services/careers/pdf/career-view/career-view-religious-studies-web.pdfYes - substantially shortened. No rewrites.Yesproject folder Yes
Lecturer Story       

Science in Society

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate Story       
Graduate Story       
Lecturer StoryRebecca Priestly


Note: needs pull quote

No project folder  


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate Story Christopher JoyceFHSS handbook 2016 p62No  project folder Yes
Graduate Story Sam Stacey



Yes - shortened for relevance and length

No, Liz at Careers hasn't been able to track him down for approval

Lecturer StoryDr Dylan TaylorProvided by SchoolYes - rewrote for Plain English, removed very specialised information    

Software and Computer Science

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryJacob DuligallFS handbook 2016 pg 34Yes, some pruning project folder Yes
Graduate StoryMitchell LaneFS handbook 2015 pg 71Yes project folderEdits have been approved by Mitchell LaneYes
Lecturer StoryDavid PearceFS handbook 2015 pg 72  project folder Yes
Stand alone quoteConnor FindlayFS handbook 2015 pg 73  project folder Yes
Stand alone quoteBenjamin PowleyFS handbook 2016 pg 30  project folder Yes

Te Reo Māori

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryTe Aka Hamilton-Katenehttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/maori/study/student-profiles     
Graduate StoryVincint Olson-Reeder



Yes - combinded two stories image in project folder Yes
Lecturer StoryKelly Keane-TualaFHSS 2017 handbookAdded subheads Contact Melissa Gough  
Graduate storyNaoko YuiFHSS handbook 2017Added subheads Contact Melissa Gough  

Teacher Education

WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate StoryRebecca Gray

FED handbook

2016, page 28

Cut down    
Student StoryNicki GloverKYM 2016Cut down    
Lecturer Story       
Student Story

Tala Moemai

2016 FED handbookOne partial quote made into a full quote (notes)  

Original: He would like to challenge the declining rates of academic achievement in Māori and Pasifika students, building “a culture of engaged students who see learning as a way to make positive changes in their lives”.

Edited to use as pull out:

"I want to help build a culture of engaged students...etc"



WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
Undergraduate Story Dana Leaming http://www.victoria.ac.nz/seftms/study/profiles  project folder Yes
Graduate StorySteph Walkerhttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/st_services/careers/pdf/career-view/career-view-theatre-web.pdfyesNo, wasn't able to be tracked down   
Graduate StoryEleanor BishopCareerviewYesYesproject folder


Lecturer Story Nicola Hyland FHSS handbook pg 27  Project folder Yes

Tourism Management


WhatSubjects nameSource of contentEdited?Approved?ImageStatus/NotesProfile picture made
PG StoryJackson Heremaia SmithSent by Ian Yeoman.yesyes by Ian Edits approved by Ian via Gabe's email. 
Undergraduate StoryOlivia Mexted 

Business school handbook pg 42

  project folder Yes
Graduate StoryJessica Wilson 


This image is too low resolution to use. I have asked for a larger version or new image from Adrienne & Karen. - Jane Young (Unlicensed)
Lecturer StoryDr Karen Smith Pic in VBS handbook 2015, story possibly from interview - check with Gabe  project folder Yes
Quote on about page

Alexandra Gadd (Bachelor of Tourism Management student)

Guide to Undergraduate Study 2016, page 112


  project folder Yes