11.21 Politics and International Relations: Go Live Steps

11.21 Politics and International Relations: Go Live Steps

This page contains details of changes needed to support the go-live of the release of Areas of Study and Degree pages to production. The table below covers:

  • any changes to the existing navigation pages on Faculty, School and homesite pages
  • redirects need for the Faculty, School and homesite pages which are being retired
  • details of the content existing pages contained that is not (fully) covered on the new pages

JIRA Tickets

WIP-949 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Degree or subjectExisting pageActionsContent not (fully) covered on new/replacement pages: With comment as to coverage
Political Science and International Relations (shared subject page)

Faculty site: Redirects to the school site

School site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/hppi/study/subjects/pols

Home site:http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/subjects/political-science-and-international-relations

Actions in the previous lines in this row of this table will leave home site page as the sole copy of this content. It is required to feed International.

School name (and other majors they offer): Not a pattern we follow, as users were not interested.

Related subjects: Replaced by related topics (being the topics that contain the related subject). Will need to limit this to 6.

List of careers: Sometimes handled at topic level, sometimes at subject, with link to CareersNZ for further information.

List of courses: Not covered unless specific courses are mentioned in the requirements on the degree page.

Strategic Studies


These are programme pages and will be replaced in our PG phase.

No need to delete, archive, remove from public or remap urls at this stage.


Listing pages

Faculty site: n/a, as it has already migrated

School site - UG study: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/hppi/study/subjects

  • On faculty: Check that the redirects work for all three subjects


AoS navigationhttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/programmes-courses/subjects (205925)

If we have a new state for the AoS navigation,

  • Implement 'Explore Politics and International Relations button, pointing to the new topic page. 
Related AoShttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/explore/study-areas/public-policy-and-government/about
  • Check related AoS have the right state: Either subject level links (where the topic is not yet live) or 'Explore topic name' where the topic is already live.