Events in Jira: A summary of the requirements
Events in Jira: A summary of the requirements
The need for improved event functionality has often surfaced throughout our interaction with faculties and schools. There are also many tickets in the GEN backlog that refer to events. Ben is also capturing event requirements in his Engagement interviews. This page attempts the catalogue and "rationalise" the improvements (those that are mainly/mostly events, not those that are mostly about another units website and contain a little of events in it) to bring the greatest benefit. After each ticket and in brackets I have added a summary of the ticket type, the priority (in my opinion) and the size or complexity (in my opinion)
- GEN-199 (Epic, n/a, n/a): Was a user story stub to gather up tasks related to improving event listings. One (empty) tasks and no other details. Have made this an epic for tasks and stories that relate to improving event listings
- GEN-273 (US, medium, small-medium): Was a TA and the description sounded like a repeat of GEN-199, in that it is supposed to group various improvements. On the other hand it only contains one improvement so far and that it to improve the presentation of multi-part and repeating events to that they display sensibly. I have made it a US under WIP199
- GEN-838 (Bug, high, medium): While the bug is that the GSA doesn't ingest events by default fixing this will require improvements to the handling of multi-day (and maybe multi-part) events, so have related this to GEN-273. Not sure if multi-day events need their own user story.
- GEN-51 (BUG, medium, medium) Adjust the template to allow a page to have both a staff list layout and an event widget.
- GEN-415 (US, high, small): Poor visibility of all the events for current students. Seems like a small job to improve on this (link from title as well as a "see all" at the bottom of the list). Nathan explained that it is difficult to do a great job as people are not categorising events properly/fully. Even if the "show me more" takes people to a listing of all events where they must reapply the filter it is better than now. Although further analysis might lead to a better solution we should avoid letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. I have edited the story to make it read a little better.
- GEN-516 (US, medium, small): Embedding summary event information in to a news story. I have linked this to the WIP epic for publishing news (WIP229).
- GEN-152 (TA, medium, medium): Payroll deadlines need to be events. Seems useful but is there a demand for this?
- GEN-152 (BUG, low, small): Have added as a requirement to WIP-475) so can be closed out.
- GEN-314 (US, low, medium): Being able to specify a close-off for registrations has been requested a a Bungee improvement. Do we want to invest more in improving this type of event management functionality or does this get left for any possible event management systems the university might buy? There are other Bugee related changes that could also be reviewed/considered.
- GEN-493: (US, low, small-medium): Do wait-listed people ever/regularly turn up to events? Same as GEN-124. Maybe lets ring, see how big an issue it is and then do it or close it.
- GEN-529: (TA, low, small): So small we should either do it or drop it.
- GEN-118 (TA, high, large): IS this about getting the Research Office to change systems, how they work, or what?
, multiple selections available,