Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

(This is a holding page for information that will be relevant when we do this site) 


FHSS Research

Email from Paul Warren 18/6/2015

Hi Sam,

I’m attaching the summaries from the qualtrix questionnaire we did of staff and p’grad students about faculty research support, which as I said included some questions about where information was made available. I’ve highlighted the parts that are probably most relevant to your project. The evaluative questions were on a five point scale, and the summaries indicate how many picked the highest two response categories.

I can send more details if you can identify sections that you think might be useful.

I have checked the ethics approval and we’re okay letting you have this, as it is anonymised and aggregated.



Paul Warren

  Associate Professor in Linguistics

  Associate Dean (Postgraduate Research)

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Victoria University of Wellington

Wellington, New Zealand


I've pulled the highlighted sections out from the Word docs he sent - Sam


Summary of Responses (Academic Staff)

Total respondents: 90

Q16/17 Frequency of searching sites for information on research support:

Faculty web site, general                              19/84 very or fairly often

Faculty web site, committee pages          23/84     “              “             

Faculty M: drive                                                                22/84     “              “             

School web site                                                8/84       “              “

Other                                                                    1/9         “              “


Q19        Usefulness of information on research support:

Faculty web site, general                              20/79 very or somewhat helpful

Faculty web site, committee pages          29/79     “              “             

Faculty M: drive                                                                19/79     “              “             

School web site                                                8/79       “              “


Key Issues raised in comments on Q16 and Q19:

The over-riding theme of the comments (once again) was the difficulty of accessing and understanding information, particularly from off-campus.  FHSS web pages are considered difficult and in need of re-design.  M: drive documents are hard to find with no search function.  Suggest tabs on myvictoria.


Q22/23 Should information on research support be located here:

Faculty web site, general                              59/77 Agree or strongly agree

Faculty web site, committee pages          55/77     “              “             

Faculty M: drive                                                                51/77     “              “             

School web site                                                31/77     “              “

Other                                                                    3/5         “              “


Key Issues raised in comments:

The information should be accessible from a number of places but should be stored in only one place so that there is only one version for updating. 


Links from the Faculty web site to the M: drive committee pages would be useful and enable access from off-campus.


The other alternative is myVictoria.


Summary of Responses (Admin Staff)

Total respondents: 17


Q22/23 Should information on research support be located here:

Faculty web site, general                              5/8 Agree or strongly agree

Faculty web site, committee pages          3/8         “              “             

Faculty M: drive                                                                4/8         “              “             

School web site                                                3/8         “              “

Other (FGR)                                                       1/2         “              “


Key Issues raised in comments:

Where information is repeated it would be preferable to have links from one site (possibly FGR or the FHSS committee page) so it doesn’t have to be updated in several places.


Q22        Should information on research support be located here:

Faculty web site, general                              12/13 Agree or strongly agree

Faculty web site, committee pages          6/13       “              “             

Faculty M: drive                                                                2/13       “              “             

School web site                                                12/13     “              “


Key Issues raised in comments:

Where it is doesn’t matter so long as the context and information are clear.



Summary of Responses (PhD Students)

Total respondents: 65


Key Issues raised in comments:

The over-riding theme of the comments was the difficulty of accessing and understanding information about research grants.

Better information is needed on availability of grants and deadlines for applications.  Suggestions were made for a specific site on the VUW web site covering research support for P-G students.


Q16        Frequency of searching sites for information on research support:

Faculty web site, general                              15/56 very or fairly often

Faculty web site, committee pages          7/56       “              “             

Faculty M: drive                                                                1/56       “              “             

School web site                                                15/56     “              “


Q19        Usefulness of information on research support:

Faculty web site, general                              19/55 very or somewhat helpful

Faculty web site, committee pages          11/55     “              “             

Faculty M: drive                                                                4/55       “              “             

School web site                                                15/55     “              “


Key Issues raised in comments on Q16 and Q19:

The over-riding theme of the comments (once again) was the difficulty of accessing and understanding information, particularly from off-campus.  

  • More help is needed with Oracle.
  • Information is misleading as it implies funds up to $6k will be available when they may not be.
  •  Budgets take priority over students.


Q22        Should information on research support be located here:

Faculty web site, general                              48/54 Agree or strongly agree

Faculty web site, committee pages          27/54     “              “             

Faculty M: drive                                                                15/54     “              “             

School web site                                                44/54     “              “


Key Issues raised in comments:

Regular seminars/workshops should be run on accessing financial support.

Students don’t have access to the M:Drive.

The process needs to be more transparent and equitable.


Q25        Additional comments (not covered earlier):

Please do not promise what cannot be provided.

It is not acceptable to run out of money before the end of the year.

Reminder emails for deadlines would be useful.