Improve staff profiles (WIP-248)

Improve staff profiles (WIP-248)

Improve staff profiles (WIP-248)

Content for email

The WIPII team have now completed the initial workshops with faculties and schools. While still synthesising the observations and preparing our report-back, a few themes have already emerged that have been requested in every workshop to date. You will also know that we have requested nominations for two important themes (Displaying images and Embedding external media). I am now seeking input for a third theme, that of Improving staff profile pages.

I am seeking your input to identify a small number of staff (ideally one or at most two per faculty) to form a working group to draft (or at least provide me and I do the drafting of) the detailed requirements for these two themes. The nominated people would need to:


  • Be familiar with this, both from the perspective of looking for information on other people's pages and from updating the pages (either your own or on behalf of others)
  • Have an interest in specifying how this works in future
  • Can make themselves available for a few discussion/workshops over the next few weeks.

I expect that we will benefit from the participation of academic staff, especially those who are often searching for information about other people (and especially if they are familiar with how other organisations o things). As with the last request for participants, it acceptable to trust that your requirements will be catered for by the contributions of others and nominate nobody.


Table of participants

Not all workshops will require representatives from all the following categories, but the table serves as a check list of who to consider.


Faculty/UnitContact personCommunicationNominated for Improving staff profiles
Architecture and DesignFay Julian  


Noeleen Williamson


EngineeringSue Hall  
Graduate Researchn/a  
Humanities and Social Sciences Kristina McGuiness-King  

Alison Munro

Carol Sorenson

ScienceMegan Sellers  
Victoria Business SchoolClaire Williams  
Research centres, institutes and chairsn/a  
Web team   
Wider COMT   
Other CSU


