Requirements for minor-only subjects

Requirements for minor-only subjects

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We decided to only link from areas of study to UG degree pages when the subject is a major. Other UG subjects might be available as a minor or not even that level. While we provide a link to courses available in that subject, this still doesn't explain the requirements that must be met to study this subject as a minor. All subjects available at a minor (only) level will fall in to one of two groups:

  1. Generic minor: See parent page. If I degree allows minors, then almost any subject may be done as a minor by meeting these requirements.
  2. Specified minor: Specific requirements that adhere to the general minor rules but specify the courses more precisely. 

The best way I can think of to handle this is to list these on the relevant faculty website, so here are the suggested requirements:

  1. Create a page under 'Study and Careers' called 'A minor in a Bachelor of Degree_Name'
  2. The content on the page must:
    1. Explain in general terms what a minor is
    2. List the subjects available at as a specific minor and the 'home' degree in which this applies.
    3. List the specific requirements for each subject they apply to
    4. Link to each UG degree page in the app
    5. Link to each subject on the area of study page, study options tab
  3. The content on the page could:
    1. List the general minor requirements, in case people want to do other subjects as a minor.
  4. Link from the subject on the area of study page, study options tab to this new page on the faculty site.

FacultyDegreeMinor and description/introRequirements

Bachelor of Arts


Creative Writing

Identify and develop your own distinctive voice in writing for the page (poetry, fiction, non-fiction) and scriptwriting (stage, screen, radio).


Complete courses worth at least 60 points from CREW 200-399, including:

  • Courses worth at least 20 points from CREW 300-399

New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) Studies

New Zealand Sign Language, the country's third official language, is used by more than 20,000 people. Learn to sign and gain insight into the Deaf community.


Complete courses worth at least 40 points from:

  • NZSL 200-299
  • DEAF 200-299

Complete NZSL 311

Social Policy

Social Policy takes a focused look at the needs and wellbeing of the population, and the way governments and individuals try to solve some of the big issues of society.


Complete courses worth at least 40 points from SPOL 200-399, including:

  • Courses worth at least 20 points from SPOL 300-399

Complete further courses worth 20 points from:

  • SPOL 200-399
  • SOSC 200-399
  • SACS 200-399
  • PUBL 200-399
  • GEOG 217
  • GEOG 312
  • GEOG 320

Bachelor of Science


Actuarial Science

Learn to help companies and organisations manage risk. The Christchurch earthquakes, the global financial crisis and climate change concerns have all shone a spotlight on the need to better plan for the future. Actuarial Science brings economics, mathematics and statistics together to forecast and manage risks.


Get the knowledge and skills you need to set you on the path to become a qualified actuary. Actuarial Science brings economics, mathematics and statistics together to help companies and organisations forecast and manage risks. Take advantage of the growing demand for actuarial skills in many areas including investment and stockbroking, software development, and in government, education and health.

Complete the following courses:

  • ACTS 201
  • MATH 277
  • ACTS 301
  • One further course from:
    • ECON 201
    • FINA 201
    • FINA 202
    • MATH 277
    • ACTS 301
    • FINA 306
    • FINA 307
    • STAT 335
    • ECON 301
    • ECON 314
    • ECON 339
    • FINA 305
    • FINA 306
    • FINA 307
    • MATH 377
    • STAT 332
    • STAT 393

Development Studies

Study human societies and their relationship to the Earth we live on. Investigate inequality between people and nations, and the ethical issues it creates


Study the enormous differences in living standards around the world and what we can do about it. Examine the relationships between people and institutions—from small communities, to government agencies and international organisations. Focus on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals that set out to address inequality in wealth, education and health around the world.

Complete the following courses:

  • GEOG 212
  • Two courses from:
    • GEOG 312
    • GEOG 316
    • Further approved 200- or 300-level courses worth 20 points

Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies takes you beyond the 'pure' sciences to include social, cultural, and economic perspectives on the environment. You'll learn about the pressures humans place on the earth and what we can do about it. Study a range of topics from climate change to urban green spaces, from Māori Resource Management to the impact of humans on Antarctica.

Complete the following courses:

  • ENVI 214
  • ENVI 314
  • Further courses worth 20 points from GEOG 200-399

Forensic Science

Complete approved 200- and 300-level course worth at least 60 points, including:

  • Courses worth 30 points from the National University of Singapore taken as part of an exchange programme.

Science in Context

Explore the relationships between science and technology, scientists and society, the history and philosophy of science, and science communication.


Complete SCIE 311

Complete courses worth 45 points from:

  • CREW 352
  • ESCI 201
  • SCIE 201
  • SCIE 211
  • SCIE 212
  • SCIE 302
  • SCIE 310
  • SCIE 312
  • Other approved 200- or 300-level courses

Bachelor of Commerce


Actuarial Science

See above

Complete the following courses:

  • ACTS 201
  • MATH 277
  • ACTS 301
  • One further course from:
    • ECON 201
    • FINA 201
    • FINA 202
    • MATH 277
    • ACTS 301
    • FINA 306
    • FINA 307
    • STAT 335
    • ECON 301
    • ECON 314
    • ECON 339
    • FINA 305
    • FINA 306
    • FINA 307
    • MATH 377
    • STAT 332
    • STAT 393


Econometrics is a tool for testing economic ideas and making forecasts. How do we know what effect a change in the official interest rate might have on inflation? To figure this out, economists can turn to econometrics.

Complete courses worth at least 60 points from:

  • QUAN 201
  • QUAN 202
  • QUAN 203
  • ECON 301
  • ECON 303
  • FINA 304

Tourism Management

Study how tourism works, how tourism businesses operate, the behaviour of the tourist, and the impacts of visitors on a country.


Tourism is booming in New Zealand. Your degree will focus on how tourists and tourism businesses are managed, how the industry works and how it’s changing. Tourism brings opportunities but also raises issues—your studies will explore the impacts of tourism.

Complete courses worth at least 60 points from TOUR 200-399, including:

  • Courses worth at least 20 points from TOUR 300-399