8. MAF: Go Live Steps

8. MAF: Go Live Steps

This page contains details of changes needed to support the go-live of the release of a PG professional programme page to production. The table below covers:

  • any changes to the existing pages on Faculty, School and homesite pages, including pages to delete and archive and ulrs to redirect
  • details of the content existing pages contained that is not (fully) covered on the new pages
  • any changes to area of study pages in the app
  • Notes about the impact on the existing international website

JIRA tickets

WIP-1332 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Corrections page

MAF corrections page


ProgrammeExisting pageActionsContent not (fully) covered on new/replacement pages: With comment as to coverage
Master of Applied Finance

Faculty site: n/a

School site:

http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sef/study/postgraduate/viaf/ (71140)

Home site: n/a

All covered in our five tabs, albeit in a different order


Create new MAF School site page


  • Create new school site page with the following copy from the Word doc - this is also in the project folder.

Applied Finance Programme top page.docx

  • This page should appear in the School navigation
 http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sef/study/postgraduate/viaf/info-new-students (71163)

All covered in our five tabs, albeit in a different order

 http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sef/study/postgraduate/viaf/degree-structure (71159)

All covered in our five tabs, albeit in a different order


http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sef/study/postgraduate/viaf/delivery (71155)

and child page:

http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sef/study/postgraduate/viaf/delivery/global-focus (106649)

All covered in our five tabs, albeit in a different order


http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sef/study/postgraduate/viaf/course-advice (120630)

and child page:

http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sef/study/postgraduate/viaf/course-advice/current (210410)

Check if they badly want all courses listed in the app. If so, we could offer the 'show courses for this subject that isn't a major' widget.
 http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sef/study/postgraduate/viaf/profiles (250163)All covered in our five tabs, albeit in a different order

PG subject page: https://www.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-finance/about

Once the PG Finance subject page is live

  • Ensure that the new MAF card displays on the Qualifications tab.


Faculty site: n/a

School site: same as MAF

Home site: n/a


All covered in our five tabs, albeit in a different order


PG subject page: https://www.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-finance/about

Once the PG Finance subject page is live

  • Ensure that the new PGDipFA card displays on the Qualifications tab

Faculty site: n/a

School site: same as MAF

Home site: n/a


All covered in our five tabs, albeit in a different order


PG subject page:

Once the PG Finance subject page is live

  • Ensure that the new PGDipTM card displays on the Qualifications tab

Faculty site: n/a

School site: same as MAF

Home site: n/a


All covered in our five tabs, albeit in a different order


PG subject page:


Once the PG Finance subject page is live

  • Ensure that the new PGCertFMA card displays on the Qualifications tab
Listing pages

Faculty: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/vbs/study-careers/professional-programmes (54957)

School: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sef/study/postgraduate

  • Check that listing entries on both faculty and school sites link to the new page.
