2016-02-01 Testing Meeting notes

2016-02-01 Testing Meeting notes




  • Outline how we see the testing happening

Discussion items

Testing stepWhoNotes
Test planPlanit
  • Get Planit to write the overarching plan for testing and how it should happen
Analysing and writing test cases


  • Based on the existing users stories and acceptance criteria Planit will write the test cases
  • Paul Seiler (Unlicensed) will be their main point of contact for any clarifications
Functional & Compatibility TestingJoe, Andrew & Planit
  • Joe Lobotka (Unlicensed) to test during development process
  • Andrew Bredenkamp will run the through the test cases, potentially fix bugs that are found. They won't necessarily be testing 100% perfect at this stage but it will reduce the bugs
  • Planit will then run the tests across multiple systems and browsers
Accessibility testingPlanit
  • Planit to check accessibility
  • Talk to Brett if he wasn't to be involved in executing tests
Usability testing & User acceptance testingPaul Seiler (Unlicensed)
  • Develop usability tests
  • Recruit students for tests including at least one student with a disability - Brett in disability services could help
  • If programmes are being changed by Faculty staff this should also be tested
  • Look at possibility of using HU311 - this could then be set up to record users and stream results to Joe has greater awareness
Regression testingPlanit and Nathan Irwin
  • Planit to regression test within what we are building as it is developed.
  • Nathan Irwin to look at what testing might need to be done on the wider University platform
  • We will need to develop an approach for content e.g. if we turn this content off what will break, where do we need redirects etc. Students will largely be first time users but Recruitment Staff, external Careers Advisors etc. may be linking directly to content.
Performance testingPlanit and ITS
  • Get planit to do page load testing
  • ITS could do stress testing
Security testingITS - Rodrigo
  • ITS to test as required
Disaster recoveryITS - Bruce?
  • This should be part of the server set up process.
  • Are there other DR processes needed e.g. related to using CDNs

Action items
