WIP II Ethics

WIP II Ethics

The WIPII project is approved to complete usability testing for web site improvements from 25/06/15 to 30/06/16.  It can use the under anonymous testing application, or the wider Comms and Marketing testing programme application.  Both applications can be found below for information.

Please ensure you use the participant information sheet for all testing.  Where anonymous, please provide the text from the information sheet where possible so information about the project is provided.

The information sheet provides contact details for Susan Corbett, Convenor of the human ethics committee.  If you have questions that cannot be resolved within the team, please contact Susan, or Louise Grenside.


Ethics for online testing

A letterheaded version of the information sheet minus the permission items has been uploaded to a google drive account. If you're doing an online test and would like to link to it, here's the URL: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8oQ6VX0EsgOT2tLYVpEeXFNc3c

Suggested wording (or, how we did it in our first Treejack)

This activity is part of Victoria University of Wellington's Web Improvement Project. We will treat your information confidentially. We won't contact you without your permission (unless you're a prize winner) or share your email address with anyone.

For more about the project and this research, read the information sheet.

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