PG Religious Studies corrections page FHSS

PG Religious Studies corrections page FHSS

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1.6.1Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://www.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-religious-studies/about




1.6.1Michael via Paulhttp://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-religious-studies/about

Postgraduate Religious Studies is a diverse, inclusive and welcoming programme, with students and lecturers hailing from all over the world—Ghana, the United States, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Malaysia and Lithuania.

  • In Eva Nisa's story (pull quote on About tab and full story on People, semi colon should be an m-dash, like you use between staff and their interests on the People tab.
  • In 'Careers' section on About tab, replace '... and NGO ...' with '... or NOG ...'
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Gone live


1.5.2Alida via Michael Radich

  • David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Malisha's story, under Giving back:

    I loved studying at Victoria because I’ve been able to pursue my career goals, which involve taking initiatives to empower my local community and to have meaning in my work.



1.5.2Alida via Michael Radich

  • David Rowswell (Unlicensed) change Paul Morris' areas to read:Professor Paul Morris—Religious diversity, religious change in the Pacific, Jewish studies



Alida via Michael Radichhttp://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-religious-studies/people
  • David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Under Eva Nisa, replace the word fundamental with the word basic in both the pull quote and the main body text:

    Religious Studies is about understanding a very basic fundamental social phenomenon in our lives.

  • Under Learning from the best change paragraph to read:
    Religious Studies at Victoria University is great because the programme involves real experts with a diverse range of expertise in many religious traditions, and also many other dimensions of the study of religion, including politics, secularisation, psychology, identity, community and morality.

  • Under the second Personal research heading change heading to Love Wellington and replace the text with:

    Wellington is a beautiful city – there are many lovely spots and wonderful sights, including the harbour and the green hills which surround it. When my family and I moved here, we immediately fell in love with the place.

    My young daughter loves it here and is enjoying school. From my varied experience of living in different countries around the world, I have found Wellington to be an ideal place to study, work and raise children.



1.5.2Alida via Michael Radich


and the other tabs

  • David Rowswell (Unlicensed) In the Banner statement remove the word human:

    Enhance your understanding of the diverse world of human religious beliefs and practices and give your career a boost with postgraduate Religious Studies.



1.5.2Alida via Michael Radichhttp://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-religious-studies/about
  • David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Under Malisha's quote add comma after politics (please make change in full story too):

    My deep understanding of religious differences and similarities, and how religion intersects with law and politics, has led to job opportunities in both the government and NGO sectors.



1.5.2Alida via Michael Radichhttp://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-religious-studies/about

You might want to launch your academic career and find work in academic teaching and research.

  • And in the last sentence Remove the text with strike through and add comma:

Other jobs might include social advocacy, teaching, journalism, and travel and tourism.





And about page

  • David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Add the GDipArts, as this qual is available in Religious Studies.
  • Buttons for all quals go to the wrong url.
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Religion can create communities and motivate peoples' actions. It drives people to go to war, strive for peace, kill and heal, hate and love and produce sublime literary, artistic and musical works.




As an interdisciplinary subject, Religious Studies draws on elements of Sociology, History, Anthropology, Psychology and Law. It is distinct from theology, which is the exploration of religious ideas, institutions and practices from the perspectives of insiders personally committed to particular traditions.








