- Paul Seiler (Unlicensed)
- Andrew Bredenkamp
- Joe Lobotka (Unlicensed)
- Anne Nelson (Unlicensed)
- Nigel Riley
- Jane Young (Unlicensed) (for first point of PM update only)
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes | |||
General PM update | Chrissi |
| Test site in Squiz | Andrew | Some good suggestions from the team including a subject sort, what future UG students want, dramatisation of an interview etc. Also noted that an update from each team member on what they do (just a couple of minutes each) would be a better way of providing a WIP update Anne suggested some guest speakers (as noted on the agenda page) Jane offered to make biscuits for everyone (not really, just those with birthdays) Chrissi noted some developments in the Comms area, but they are still in draft. The deliverables sign off page was mentioned and a couple of points were raised around getting schools to sign off on topic and subject groupings, and whether faculty managers can approve on their behalf. The team were asked to review and feedback any questions. The agenda was discussed briefly. Anne/Paul/Sam will update the Topics content strategy to include the URL's approach and let Chrissi know when it is ready to circulate to the group in advance of the meeting Paul noted that the revised subject groups can be circulated with the minutes Chrissi has a meeting with Joe to review the progress with the Topics wireframe on Monday It was suggested Joe present at the sprint review on Friday the topics page Chrissi shared the wish list following discussion with Joe earlier in the week on places to document ideas This list will be reviewed for 5 minutes each meeting going forward. The whole team are enouraged to use this table, and just add whatever information they can (no need to complete all columns) Anything that is agreed to have merit to discuss with the wider team will go into the backlog and to story time for further discussion There were some comments on whether this was adding an additional layer and why these wouldnt go directly into the backlog. As a result this will be trialled for a couple of weeks and see how it works |
Priorities & timeframes | Chrissi | WIPII priorities were reiterated as follows:
Sprint planning - review of high level tasks and sprint priorities The sprint planning page was reviewed with the team, and everyone asked to read and feedback to Chrissi or add to the list directly Chrissi met with Anne and Sam on Wednesday to discuss content plans for sprint 18 Joe confirmed the list actually reflected his work for the next sprint, noting he will be out for 3 days on Squiz training. He was very excited about this Further discussion is required with Paul to plan for next sprint Andrew to feedback from the dev meeting with Nathan yesterday | |||
F&S delivery approach | Paul/Chrissi | The page that Paul developed was reviewed and the team were asked to read and feedback. This page documents team thinking, so the team need to ensure this has been reflected accurately. An additional page has been created with table to map out some of the specific implications and high level plans for delivery for content areas. Chrissi will discuss this with Paul. Chrissi suggested taking forward and presenting to PMO next week, or as a minimum provide an update on the current thinking. | |||
Test site in Squiz | Andrew | Andrew presented the test site and its reiterated its purpose. The link is and feedback is welcome to Andrew. | |||
Other | Anne raised following discussion with web content staff, the ownership of Topics was discussed and felt to be something Marketing should consider ownership of. Paul added that this could help with topics crossing over faculties and schools, and with the focus of a topic to be more marketing focussed (note British spelling not U.S.!). |
Action items
- Chrissi Dean (Unlicensed) to set up brief meeting to nail Marketing meeting agenda
- EVERYONE asked to review and send questions on the WIP II Deliverables sign off page
- Anne Nelson (Unlicensed) to let Chrissi know when the topic content strategy is ready for circulation
- Joe Lobotka (Unlicensed) to prepare to present the topic wireframe at the review meeting
- EVERYONE to review the WIP II Wishlist
- Chrissi Dean (Unlicensed) to meet with Paul Seiler (Unlicensed) to plan for sprint 18
- Andrew Bredenkamp to feed back on any tasks planned for sprint 18 in light of meeting with Nathan (first thing please Andrew)
- Chrissi Dean (Unlicensed) to feedback F&S approach progress to PMO