MPE corrections page

MPE corrections page

WIP-1336 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Date createdApp versionRequested byURLDescription of change

Checked and correct


1.7.1Rachel via Paulhttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-professional-economics/requirements?programme=master-of-professional-economics







  • Joe Lobotka (Unlicensed) Future feature to display late applications sentence under Key Dates on Apply &Contect tab. The page can go live without this.
  • Andrew BredenkampThe application expects startStudying.appendix in plain text - please, could you add it to the API?
  • Andrew BredenkampAdd the following line at the bottom of the Key Dates element for MPE.

If you’ve missed the apply deadline, don’t worry—it’s still possible to make a late application. Contact the Programme Director to discuss your options.


Post go live changes are above.




1.5.0-5Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-professional-economics/study-details

At the bottom of the Qualification family structure block please add the following words and make them a link to the attached diagram (also in the project folder)

View a diagram of the MPE qualifications staircase.



1.5.0-5Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-professional-economics/study-details

As the last line of the 'What you'll study' block please add:

Find out more about the courses you can study

linking to:





The value of 'Entry' for the PGDipPE and PGCertPE needs changing to

'Bachelor's degree with a B- average'




The value of 'Schedule' for all three cards needs changing to

'Daytime lectures and block-format'



1.5.0-2People and also the Apply and contact tabPhotos of Adrian Slack & Debbie Turner are in the project folder.


1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-professional-economics/people?mode=admin

Please add in the teaching areas for staff

  • Dr Paul Calcott, Socialregulation and its alternatives; environmental and paternalist intervention; the economics of torts
  • AProf Jonathan Chiu, Monetary economics; macroeconomics; payment economics
  • Prof Lew Evans, Microeconomics; regulation,organisation and performance of markets and firms; financial econometrics
  • Dr Jan Feld, Economics of education; labor economics; behavioral economics
  • AProf Yothin Jinjarak, Internationaltrade and macroeconomics; development
  • Louise Lamontagne, Economic history
  • Prof Ilan Noy, International and development economics; natural disasters, financialcrises and capital flows
  • Dr Yigit Saglam, Applied econometrics; environmental and natural resource economics
  • Dr Adrian Slack, Gametheory and organisational reform; applied health economics; macroeconomic modelling


1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-professional-economics/about

On the about page in the first quote please remove 'student' and leave the name of the programme on its own line so it reads

Dyah Retno Kusumaningtyas

Master of Professional Economics



1.5.0-1Alida Steemson (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-professional-economics/people

Missing Image - Dyah Retno Kusumaningtyas is in the project folder

Alida Steemson (Unlicensed) The image is visible whenits previewed insqiz butits taking a while to come through on the website page because of the new updates so it might be best just to refresh and check on it later

Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) I get an error when loading the page, whether I use the admin parameter or dev-node environment. Maybe you want to check it out again.

DyahRetnoProfile.jpg:1 GET https://www.victoria.ac.nz/testing/peoplepromos/importholdingarea/dyah-retno-kusumaningtyas/DyahRetnoProfile.jpg 404 (Not Found)

Images should be working now (smile)



1.5.0-2All tabs

Can you please do another cropping of the image where you zoom in so we don;t see the direction in which the boat is travelling?

Paul Seiler (Unlicensed) let me know which one you like best (I've currently got the second image loaded)

Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) the second is also my pick. Thanks for this.




Banner is in project folder




Tool tip Block-format in cards




Incorrect details on all three cards:

Schedule: Evening and block-format lectures



1.5.0-1Alida Steemson (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-professional-economics/study-detailsQual structure: Remove 'this can lead to a' and ', which can lead to a'