MIS corrections page

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  • Tymara Oberdries (Unlicensed) at the bottom of this page under 'Publications' please add in the 2017 prospectus. Do not remove the 2016 prospectus as this is still needed until November.

2017 Postgraduate Prospectus—Information Studies




1.5.2Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://www.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-information-studies/about?programme=postgraduate-diploma-in-information-studies

Diploma, certificate and single course options

Depending on your goals, you can opt for a shorter postgraduate Information Studies qualification by doing the Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma. These are valuable programmes in themselves, or you can use them as stepping stones towards the Master's degree.

You can also study most courses in the MIS programme individually. This is useful for targeted professional development and you will receive a certificate of proficiency in that one subject area.



1.5.1Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://www.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-information-studies/people

Tracy Maniapoto



1.5.0-6Jane Young (Unlicensed)



Gillian Oliver, Programme Director, MIS


Gone live




1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)



The following quotes don't have images but their are images on the people page

  • Tracey Maniapoto
  • Jared Davidson


1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-information-studies/aboutFlora Feltham's image isn't showing up on this page even though it is on the people page.



'Study at' attribute on all three 'at-a-glance' cards should have the value 'Fully online'

on-campus is no longer accurate.




Please change the 'Study at' attribute from the 'at-a-glance' card to have the value 'Fully online,'

And the first sentence of the 'Study anywhere' block to read

"You can study online from anywhere in New Zealand. Some course are also available on campus in Wellington and Auckland."



1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-information-studies/peopleYou will find photos for Chris King and Gillian Oliver in the project folder


1.5.0-2Jane Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-programmes/master-of-information-studies/people?mode=admin

A list of the teaching staff and their areas of interest is in the project folder.

Programme teaching staff listing.xlsx




There are photos for the following people in the project folder - Flora's may be too small but they can't find an alternative. Let me know if it can't be made to work.

  • Flora Feltham
  • Tracy Maniapoto



Banner image is in the project folder

I've made a couple of crops let me know what you think looks the best/worst etc (I've currently got the first one loaded)




 Wrong people feature in the stories - you can find these in Gather Content - https://victoria.gathercontent.com/item/2863558

  • Flora Feltham
  • Tracy Maniapoto
  • Jared Davidson



delete the publication at the bottom and replace with
2016 Postgraduate Prospectus—Information Studies http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sim/study/postgraduate/mis/publications/IST-Prospectus-2016.pdf
