MMigStud Family corrections page Science

MMigStud Family corrections page Science

GEN-1874 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Requested byURLDescription of change (with tick box and assignee name)

Checked and correct

Kate via Paulhttp://www.victoria.ac.nz/hppi and http://www.victoria.ac.nz/hppi/study/postgraduate

Page live



Entry requirements

To be accepted into this programme you'll need:

  • A Bachelor's degree in a relevant subject with at least a B+ average in a relevant subject

*** Just a note for all fairys - please don't use what's in Gather for the Reqs - always use Confluence which is the bible. I had made this change in Confluence, and thought that loaders always used that rather than Gather.....so didn't botehr maiking it in two places. IF we stick to Confluence, you'll always get the most up to date and correct version.
