PGDipClinRes Family corrections page Science

PGDipClinRes Family corrections page Science

WIP-1823 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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  • David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Staff list - add extra 'l' to Richard Caroll's name
  • Put these two people last in list:

    Prof Anne LaFlamme
    Prof John Miller

  • add fullstop in Haley's pull quote

  • add "co-director' to both Rosemary and Richard's listing ie

    • Dr Rosemary Hall—Links between diabetes in pregnancy and diabetes in later life, the relationship between obesity, energy regulation and diabetes; diet and metabolic disease. Course Coordinator CLNR580—Research Preparation, and Co-Director of the PGDipClinRes.






  • David Rowswell (Unlicensed)
    How to Apply - For both Dip and Masters make sure link is removed, full stop removed and 'below' added. ie for both it should be :

     email a brief CV to the programme administrator Sandra Taylor below


  • David Rowswell (Unlicensed) Please add words in intro boxes as below:
    Find out what qualifications you need to get into the PGDipClinRes and the MClinRes and what you have to do to complete them.

  • Find out how to apply and who to contact for more information about the PGDipClinRes and the MClinRes.


  • David Rowswell (Unlicensed) please add 'Programme' to the headings in both Dip and Master's ie:

    Programme requirements (please make sure there is no capital on 'requirements' in both instances)

    For this programme you’ll need to:

    • Complete 120 points made up of the six courses:





  •  David Rowswell (Unlicensed) there's a section missed in the Master's. Add at end of How to apply:

    Studying outside the University (black bold heading)

    If you wish to complete your Master’s thesis at a site outside the University, you'll need to apply to do this. Request an application form by emailing the [Faculty of Science science-faculty@vuw.ac.nz ]. You'll need to describe your proposed project and include a letter of recommendation from a supervisor at the site, and their CV.

    If approved, the University will nominate a suitable member of the academic staff as a co-supervisor—to provide general guidance and advice regarding university regulations and processes.

    (See https://victoria.gathercontent.com/item/3400274 if placement isn't clear. )




