PG Geology corrections page Science

PG Geology corrections page Science

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Checked and correct

Gone live


  • Content Fairy (Unlicensed)   replace first sentence

    Research topics

    Earth Sciences at Victoria is ranked first in New Zealand for research quality, and is ranked among the top 150 of the world's several thousand universities.




third paragraph, please change word order

‘Using knowledge from physics, mathematics, chemistry and the biological sciences……

Can we change it to read as follows:

‘Using knowledge from physics, chemistry, mathematics and the biolo……

  • Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-geology/about
  • David Rowswell (Unlicensed) could you please create a banner based on the image below. Ideally don't crop anything off the sides, as far as top and bottom cropping goes do what you think works best, It may be a bit of trial and error. Image is also in project folder.



  • David Rowswell (Unlicensed) typo in Contact: (also could you make the title Contact, not Contacts -this should always be the case, regardless of what's in gather)

Professor Colin Wilson, Postgraduate Coordinator




Cliff Atkins

Senior lecturer in Geology



  • Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-geology/people

Studying sedimentary rocks layer by layer is like reading the history of the planet written in the rock record. 

  • Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-geology/people
  • Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-geology/people
  • Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-geology/people
  • Young (Unlicensed)http://stage.victoria.ac.nz/explore/postgraduate-subjects/postgraduate-geology/about
  •  Gabe Ryan (Unlicensed) the PhD block is different from what is in Gather does it need to change? Jane Young (Unlicensed) no, that text is the new PhD text that we are using for all PhD blocks. And will differ from most gather pages.

