Doctoral degrees

Doctoral degrees

We have six doctoral degrees. The apply by and start dates are different.


Summary card

Apply tab


Summary card

Apply tab

Doctor of Education

2024, Trimester 1: Apply by 1 Nov 2023 to start studying 26 Feb 2024


Doctor of Health

2024, Trimester 1: Apply by 1 Nov 2023 to start studying 26 Feb 2024


Doctor of Midwifery

2024, Trimester 1: Apply by 1 Nov 2023 to start studying 26 Feb 2024


Doctor of Musical Arts

Flexible: Apply by 1 March, 1 July or 1 November, and start studying once you have a final Offer of Place.


There are three application deadlines per year—1 March, 1 July and 1 November.

After being accepted into the programme, candidates can start studying in Trimester One or Trimester Two. In special circumstances you may be able to begin in Trimester Three—contact the programme director or administrator to discuss your options.

Doctor of Philosophy

Flexible: Apply by 1 March, 1 July or 1 November, and start studying once you have a final Offer of Place.


There are three application deadlines: 1 March, 1 July, and 1 November each year.

You need to:

check that you meet the entry requirements below
arrange references from two referees
upload a sample of your academic writing in English
prepare an overview of your intended research project.
You don't need to provide a full research proposal.

You can generally expect to hear back from us within six to eight weeks after the application deadline.

Doctor of Nursing

2024, Trimester 1: Apply by 1 Nov 2023 to start studying 26 Feb 2024



Apply online through the University's Wellington Faculty of Graduate Research (WFGR) where you'll also find details of available funding and general information about doctoral study at Victoria University of Wellington.

The application deadline is 1 November for entry into the programme for the following year. Note that you don't need to provide a full research proposal when you apply.

It might not be possible to make the doctorates consistent…

These were set the PhD up with the ‘Flexible: Apply by 1 March, 1 July or 1 November, and start studying once you have a final Offer of Place.’ as a text-only key date alternative as there are no ‘start by’ dates associated with doctoral study, just ‘apply by’ dates, which are the same every year. PhD candidates figure out a start date in conjunction with their supervisor - could be months after the start of the next trimester…

You can’t have the text message (‘and start studying once you have a final Offer of Place’) AND the normal event-asset-driven style of key date at the same time - it’s all or nothing.

Apparently the Doctor of Musical Arts operates like the PhD, which is why it is connected to the same text-based key date set alternative (but that would need to be checked).

We think that some of the professional doctorates (Nursing, Midwifery, Education) have courses as well as a thesis, so they do have ‘start by’ dates. Which means that they need to have the normal event-asset-driven style of key date set.

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