Optimising our most visited pages

Optimising our most visited pages

Home page: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/ (56/100 for mobile and 56/100 for desktop)

PageSpeed Tools: 56/100 for mobile and 56/100 for desktop

Web Page Performance: A (first byte), A (keep-alive), A (compress transfer), B (Compress images), F (cache static content) and X (use of CDN)

Load time=4.37s, First byte=0.18s, Start render=1.39s, Speed index=2801 and Interactive (beta)=>7.01s

Optimise images

Leverage browser cache

Eliminate render blocking CSS above the fold

Minify JavaScript and HTML

Search: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/search  

PageSpeed Tools: 65/100 for mobile and 77/100 for desktop

Web Page Performance: F (first byte), A (keep-alive), A (compress transfer), A (Compress images), F (cache static content) and X (use of CDN)

Load time=7.08s, First byte=0.99s, Start render=1.88s, Speed index=1912 and Interactive (beta)=>6.01s

Eliminate render blocking CSS above the fold

Leverage browser cache

Reduce server response time

  • Slow time to first byte in some test runs.

Minify CSS, JavaScript and HTML

Staff: https://www.victoria.ac.nz/staff 

PageSpeed Tools: 80/100 for mobile and 87/100 for desktop

Web Page Performance: A (first byte), B (keep-alive), F (compress transfer), A (Compress images), F (cache static content) and X (use of CDN)

Load time=1.03s, First byte=0.504s, Start render=1.18s, Speed index=1186 and Interactive (beta)=>3.49s

Eliminate render blocking CSS above the fold

Enable compression

Leverage browser cache

Minify CSS, JavaScript and HTML

Optimise images

Reduce server response time

  • Slow time to first byte in some test runs.

Use persistent connections

International: https://www.victoria.ac.nz/international

PageSpeed Tools: 57/100 for mobile and 39/100 for desktop

Web Page Performance: A (first byte), A (keep-alive), C (compress transfer), B (Compress images), F (cache static content) and X (use of CDN)

Load time=4.89s, First byte=0.37s, Start render=2.47s, Speed index=3458 and Interactive (beta)=>7.51s

Leverage browser cache

  • Many files without expiry set or set too low

Optimise images

  • Compress and resize many images if time allows, saving 204 KB in total

Eliminate render blocking CSS above the fold

Enable compression

  •  Reduce transfer size by 133.5KiB (71% reduction) by compresing many files

Minify JavaScript and HTML

Reduce server response time

  • Slow time to first byte in some test runs.

Use persistent connections

Study: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study

PageSpeed Tools: 18/100 for mobile and 20/100 for desktop

Web Page Performance: A (first byte), A (keep-alive), A (compress transfer), F (Compress images), F (cache static content) and X (use of CDN)

Load time=9.0s, First byte=0.17s, Start render=1.08s, Speed index=3997 and Interactive (beta)=>11.51s

Optimise images

  • Compress and resize many images if time allows, saving 3.2 MB in total

Eliminate render blocking CSS above the fold

Leverage browser cache

  • Many files without expiry set or set too low

Minify JavaScript and HTML

Reduce server response time

  • Slow time to first byte in some test runs.

Our students: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/study/why-victoria/our-students

PageSpeed Tools: 0/100 for mobile and 0/100 for desktop

Web Page Performance: A (first byte), A (keep-alive), A (compress transfer), FB (Compress images), F (cache static content) and X (use of CDN)

Load time=85s, First byte=0.19s, Start render=1.48s, Speed index=4763 and Interactive (beta)=>3.08s

Optimise images

  • Compress and resize many images if time allows, saving 35.7 MB in total

Leverage browser cache

  • Many files without expiry set or set too low

Eliminate render blocking CSS above the fold

Minify JavaScript and HTML

Reduce server response time

  • Slow time to first byte in some test runs.