Digital Engagement Drive - File Structure
Digital Engagement Drive - File Structure
Policy and Procedures - move content in from here M:\COMT-OnlineServices\_policy and processes and see how this relates to M:\COMT-OnlineServices\Projects\_Processes
- Training
- Web Policy
- New Websites
- SLAs
Systems and Documentation
- Squiz
- Upgrades
- Angular
- Toolkit
- Dreamweaver
Planning - move content in from here
Central Service Units
- Add in these - https://intranet.victoria.ac.nz/staff/services-resources
Faculties and Schools
- Add these in as per this structure - leave the faculties of Education and Engineering as just one folder without sub-folders
Current Students
Future Students & Campaigns
Victoria International
- Add in sub heading for Research Centres but don't add in a list of them as we can add them as we work with them.
Engage with us
Learning and Teaching
Subjects and Qualifications
, multiple selections available,